Wanting friends for accountability!!

I've recently developed a problem with binge eating and am trying to regain control of my eating. Just want to return to my normal eating habits and not feel out of control and constantly frustrated/upset about it (also ideally looking to lose stubborn 5kgs, but at this stage just trying to avoid unwanted weight gain lol).
Anyway, I'd love some friends to help hold me accountable and help me not give in to binge urges, and also looking forward to offering support in return! Also new to this community thingo so not entirely sure how it works but feel free to add me :)


  • bex800
    bex800 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello, your post almost sounds similar to my situation, for the last couple of months I’ve just not stopped making bad choices and binging on sweets/chocolate most nights, it has to stop! You want to buddy up for support? We can answer honestly each day how we are doing :) I want to lose around 16 lb total.
  • AlyMcWheel
    AlyMcWheel Posts: 2 Member
    I am the same!! Let’s be buddies and try and keep each other on track
  • maizy66
    maizy66 Posts: 6 Member
    I have a binge eating problem with years trying to control it please add me anyone that wants maby we can help each other