200+ pounds and looking for friends

Hello, my name is kali. I'm 24 with 6 year old baby weight. I'm FINALLY realizing that I'm unhealthy, and it can not go on. I've bought a treadmill and love walking/ running again. Before I had my son I was 165lbs. I am currently 210 lbs and would love to at least loose some weight around the middle. I want to make some friends on here to keep me motivated, and help others stay motivated as well. I've been watching my portion sizes and cutting sweets down/out. I am on my last leg of nursing school as well. If anyone has any tip for me I would appreciate them. I have been walking 1+ mile per day and will increase distance and eventually be running again.


  • Taimeinhappy
    Taimeinhappy Posts: 38 Member
    My original starting weight was 210, and when I first lost my lowest weight was 165. Unfortunately life happened and I'm at 198 again. I'd love to join you. I'll add you!
  • misskali2011
    misskali2011 Posts: 7 Member
    I went on phentermine last December and went from 220 to 190. I felt so great, but I gained it all back with nursing school, but I've finally hit that wall where I look in the mirror or walk up the stairs, and I just can't take it, I've got to get healthy for me!
  • Janelljeanmarie
    Janelljeanmarie Posts: 2 Member
    I relate to this! My original starting weight was like 217, but I've now gotten up to 232 after losing my job this summer. While I enjoyed spending the time with my 4 year old, she's back to preschool and I'm at a new job (as well as full time nannying) so it's time I focus on getting healthy.

    I'm struggling with body dysmorphia so coming to terms with loving myself is really hard right now. Can we be friends?!
  • misskali2011
    misskali2011 Posts: 7 Member
    Of corse!! I'm sorry your struggling with that :(
  • Alecia329
    Alecia329 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there! I started my weight loss journey in 2014 at I believe 289 got down to 232 then got lazy. I gained 20-30 back then found out I was pregnant 10/15. On the day I delivered (7/6/16) I was my all time high of 306!!!!! Started my journey back after a whirlwind of a toddler 10.25.17 at 288. That day I started taking phentermine again along with eating healthy, tracking my intake and walking 4-6 miles 3x a week and doing Pinterest challenges. At my 2 weeks my best friend swore she could already tell a difference and had me use her scale I was 275.6!!!! I’m trying to stay focused while still maintaining my crazy life. My stomach is a wreck after this pregnancy I had to have a csection and it’s so saggy and round I still feel I look pregnant whereas before I gained there last
  • kboggs777
    kboggs777 Posts: 31 Member
    :) I am on the same wagon. I am stuck at 209 pounds. Nothing seems to be working...I'll join you...