315 on bench by May 2018

JustinLeung2 Posts: 1 Member
I'm 17 benching 250lb right now im 215lbs and im looking to cut down to 175 while increasing my bench to 315, i think i might actually be able to go past 315 with the proper training and protein intake


  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    Those goals are likely mutually exclusive.
  • Stoney031201
    Stoney031201 Posts: 8 Member
    No way, trust me!! That would take years if it was doable at all. Bench press is very weight sensitive exercise. When I'm 240 I bench about 425 but when I'm 220 it goes way down to about 380.
  • Lean59man
    Lean59man Posts: 714 Member
    Totally unrealistic.

    It'll be difficult to maintain your current BP while losing 40 lbs.