Bride needing tips, motivation, and accountability

Hey guys,

My name is Emily and I've been on this weight loss journey for about a year now and I've lost a little more than 50 lbs. Over the last year + throughout this journey I went in spurts. For a couple weeks I'd eat perfectly, and workout everyday. Then I'd have a month of eating garbage and only working out 1-2 times a week. I'm either fitness/nutrition obsessed or not on a program at all. Well I'm engaged now and the wedding is in 7months. I want to kick my training and nutrition into high gear and shred 40 more lbs (if possible) before wedding day. I just need a little extra help making sure I stay motivated and accountable everyday during these next 7 months. I have my wedding dress so I'm trying to find a good gym routine that focuses on arms, back, and core so I look the best I can in my dress. I need some help finding a not totally awful cardio routine, some back/arm lifts, and I DEFINITELY need help figuring out a good eating routine. I know the basics of what is good for me and what's not, but I need some help with an eating schedule and foods to eat that will give me the best results for building muscle and burning fat. If you have any tips for me PLEASE share, or if you can help inspire me or keep me accountable that helps me a ton too. Thanks for reading, and I hope everyone is crushing their own goals! xh10hs4n2hw8.jpg


  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 356 Member
    40lbs in 7 months is going to be pretty unattainable girl. That's 5-6lbs a month and that will be harder to do as get leaner and leaner. Congrats on losing the first 50 but try to find a more attainable goal first. Smaller goals helped me along the way. Like just to lose 10lbs, then maybe to fit into a smaller pair of jeans. Take measurements and progress photos along the way. Find a workout you like to do whether that be lifting weights or Zumba or Crossfit or whatever and stick with it the whole way. Good luck!
  • tushar_khan
    tushar_khan Posts: 5 Member
    u did great job ,best of luck
  • MeechyLA
    MeechyLA Posts: 159 Member
    Welcome Emily and congrats on the 50lbs loss! In terms a "not totally awful" cardio routine, I highly recommend trying new activities totally out of your comfort zone just to see what it's like. I hated ellipticals / treadmills / stairmasters, but fell in love with a boxing class after being pushed by a co-worker to try it out. It's made all the difference in the world for me!
  • Raven_Hawk
    Raven_Hawk Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Emily. You look great and you should be proud of your achievements so far. I have to agree with need2belean that your quest to lose 40 pounds in about 29 weeks would be awfully difficult to achieve. I like the idea of 10 pound targets too, with the option to reevaluate the situation when you get there.
  • OhJayEss
    OhJayEss Posts: 63 Member
    Hey Emily, you have done an awesome job so far! Nutrition wise, what about letting yourself have a small (large?) treat every day instead of eating 'perfectly' so you don't fall off track so much/hard ?? I find that works for me as when I know I've had my chocolate or ice-cream or whatever your favourite is, I don't like the feeling of being bloated out on eating all rubbish & not exercising.
    Definitely recommend trying group classes to see what cardio you like.
    All the best & keep us posted!
  • dmsl977
    dmsl977 Posts: 232 Member
    40 pounds in 7 months is pretty aggressive. May I suggest that you look into resistance training? Doing total body lifting, I am seeing my body transform, much faster than I did when I was solely doing zumba and other cardio. I still try to do zumba a couple of times per week, but mainly because I like to dance, rather than just the calorie burn.
  • dreamsmyselr
    dreamsmyselr Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone! I've always wanted to do a group class like boxing, Zumba, or one of the other several others my gym offers to get my cardio in for the day, but I've always been too nervous to do it. I always think I'll be too clueless or not in good enough shape to keep up with everyone and end up embarrassing myself so I always talk myself out of it. I'll try to muster up the courage and just do it! I also love the idea of a small treat everyday to keep me motivated! Thanks again!!
  • geauxsyd
    geauxsyd Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Emily! First of all you look amazing! You should be incredibly proud of yourself for all the progress you've made so far! I don't know how much advice I can offer since I'm in a similar boat. My wedding is in less than 6 months and I wanna lose about 20-25lbs and I've been working out for months and the scale has not budged. I'm like you though, with my eating. I'm either totally on track or completely off the wagon. So I guess I'm just here to say, Go Emily!! We can do it!

    Also, I've been doing orange theory and LOVE it. Its the only thing thats kept me consistently working out in the past few years. And I see results fast. I may not be losing weight (due to diet) but I am definitely toning up.
  • paulawriteslove
    paulawriteslove Posts: 195 Member
    Hey! Awesome progress!!! I'm a bride too! I'll be getting married in June. Feel free to add me :) we can keep each other accountable!
  • OhJayEss
    OhJayEss Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks everyone! I've always wanted to do a group class like boxing, Zumba, or one of the other several others my gym offers to get my cardio in for the day, but I've always been too nervous to do it. I always think I'll be too clueless or not in good enough shape to keep up with everyone and end up embarrassing myself so I always talk myself out of it. I'll try to muster up the courage and just do it! I also love the idea of a small treat everyday to keep me motivated! Thanks again!!

    I have found when doing group fitness, I get nervous but it is all in my head! Generally the instructor will keep an eye on any newbies to explain if they need to, and if they aren't available, someone else in the class will help out. I would arrive a few mins early and introduce yourself to the instructor and ask if they can give a brief run-through of how their class works.
    And, the sooner you start, the better shape you'll be in for your wedding - it doesn't take long to build stamina to keep up B) have fun!