Goodbye Weight Watchers - Again and probably for good

I've been an on again, off again WW member for years. I rejoined recently and have been following the program for about 6 weeks. In that time, I've learned how to manipulate the system. Eating one less almond because it saves me a point, or trying to see how many zero point foods I can fit into my day. Zero points, really? But that fat free cheese and cup of grapes still has calories. And rumor has it that with the new system that is launching in December, more foods will be zero points. There are said to include eggs and chicken. Now, I could eat a LOT of eggs and chicken in a day! There is also rumor of a food delivery system. I think I'm just fed up with the business aspect of it all. I think it's a great system and people do succeed on it. It's just not for me. That being said, I'm canceling my membership and sticking to the basic caloric deficit. Rant over, thanks for letting me vent!


  • LBeekman2017
    LBeekman2017 Posts: 52 Member
    I haven't been on WW in ages but just watching YouTube videos on the zero point foods and manipulating things for less points seems crazy. I watched a video on a protein shake for 1 smart point and when calculating the calories, it's over 240 calories can that be 1 point? If you had 30 points you could eat 6000 calories and still be in your smart points by this logic. Crazy! I'm learning portions and looking closely at what is in food for a lifestyle change. Down almost 20 pounds but losing slow and steady.
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    I did WW 4 years ago to get things started, and lost about 25# and then went a month continuing with WW and simultaneously logging on MFP. From a CICO perspective, WW was fine. The "zero point" foods basically buttressed an 800-900 calorie intake to something that worked out to about 1200 calories/day. But from a health perspective, the deficit was too high and the protein too low to sustain long term without negative consequences.
  • Tazzie0208
    Tazzie0208 Posts: 66 Member
    no wonder my insurance company keeps emailing me to remind me i can join WW for free! I was almost considering it! I'm glad I read this thread. Definitely not joining. You all are correct; watch calories and portion control. So simple. :)
  • Messy_Human
    Messy_Human Posts: 3 Member
    I am a former WW also... I like the MFP food database & information far better, and feel more comfortable tracking calories vs. eating large amounts of "free" food.
  • labblb86
    labblb86 Posts: 28 Member
    I lost 60 pounds on WW last year, got to Lifetime. I've maintained my weight, but now up 5 - 6 pounds after joining the gym 6 months ago. I am consistent with my workouts, but I think I have out-grown WW as COGypsy mentioned. I can't seem to find the right balance of smart points with my workout routine so MFP is a better fit.
  • rosyone1
    rosyone1 Posts: 32 Member
    WW predates the Internet and even predates the now legally required nutrition panels on food packages. It was a godsend for my mother but I never felt like I needed it with all of the resources that are available now.
  • SandDodds96
    SandDodds96 Posts: 8 Member
    I’m in the same boat. If what is true about more zero points, I won’t go back. I was never fond of making fruits and veggies zero points because they still had calories.

    I lost 53 lbs with Momentum a while, gained some and all back after PointsPlus and SmartPoints. I’m more fond of MFP now with their reminders of nutrient goals and I feel more in control. I’m close to losing 20 pounds in 2 months plus I want to get to a realistic goal weight.

    Plus, I couldn’t really find anyone to relate to at meetings. I’m just a young guy in a meeting full of older men and housewives and couldn’t connect with anyone. WW hasn’t seem to try to reach out to younger people
  • rainbowblu
    rainbowblu Posts: 119 Member
    I'm no WW fan,but they DO NOT tell you to overindulgence in the zero point fruits,NoPE! That was still your choice,and even it it was 'allowed' you know that eating a whole watermelon or copious amounts of any zero point food will not end well.
  • 56Marigolds
    56Marigolds Posts: 5 Member
    I belong to WW and I really like it. Its educated me about nutrition and food. I enjoy the meetings and they don't push or even talk about their products. They're available on a shelf if you want them.

    I like having a real live person to answer my questions and I like trading recipes with the people in the group. The encourage eating real food and being aware of your choices. Sounds like a "lifestyle" to me. WW has gotten me back on track and I've learned a lot.

    The leader does NOT encourage eating unlimited servings of fruits and vegetables. What she says is people who limit their fruits and vegetables to 2-3 servings a day DO BETTER and SEE MORE RESULTS, however; they would rather see you eat 3 bananas instead of cookies.
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    I belong to WW and I really like it. Its educated me about nutrition and food. I enjoy the meetings and they don't push or even talk about their products. They're available on a shelf if you want them.

    I like having a real live person to answer my questions and I like trading recipes with the people in the group. The encourage eating real food and being aware of your choices. Sounds like a "lifestyle" to me. WW has gotten me back on track and I've learned a lot.

    The leader does NOT encourage eating unlimited servings of fruits and vegetables. What she says is people who limit their fruits and vegetables to 2-3 servings a day DO BETTER and SEE MORE RESULTS, however; they would rather see you eat 3 bananas instead of cookies.

    I'm glad you found a meeting you enjoy. I used to enjoy it until shaming for not losing the big numbers in a short time became the norm at my center. I guess my 60 + lbs off and maintaining means nothing unless done Biggest Loser Style. I have changed locations multiple times and did not find the same click. Past programs have educated me on healthy eating, not so much this one. The focus seems to be on touchy feely stuff when I do attend a meeting. And when I do ask food related questions they get blown off. Meetings make a big difference. And when I lost those that contributed to my giving up on WW.
  • jelleigh
    jelleigh Posts: 743 Member
    Personally i feel like WW had a sweet spot a few versions ago. It focused people on making healthy choices, having space for a few reasonable treats, and being aware of what they were putting in their face. As they continue to change the program, I feel like it gets more and more gimicky. I appreciate what I learned while doing the program years ago, but i feel I'm better off now doing IF and calorie tracking.
  • azironasun
    azironasun Posts: 137 Member
    I used WW many years ago with success. For a beginner, if you know nothing about food, calories and macros, it's a safe place to start. Once you understand more about calories and macros, MFP is a much better program because it lets you adjust your macros and calories to what works for you. Many people here on MFP have outgrown WW.