I cried...that's how bad it hurt

Omg, I haven't worked out in over two years (at least) so I decided to jump right into it...I just went bike riding with my husband and 11 month old son for 25 minutes and I almost died!!! I am sooooo out of shape! I even cried a little and had to walk it home, but hopefully I'm back at it tomorrow!! That is if I can move :)


  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Don't let that discourage you. It will get easier, I promise.

    In the meantime, try to ease into it rather than slam yourself. You don't want to sustain injury.
  • SheCantWeight
    SheCantWeight Posts: 36 Member
    the more you move the less it hurts! I know how you feel the first is the worst! props to you for taking the initiative to get out there. keep on going, down the road you'll be happy that you did.
  • thepinas
    thepinas Posts: 38
    Thanks for the encouragement!!
  • DanielleMN
    DanielleMN Posts: 24 Member
    Congrats on taking a huge first step today! I'm sorry it hurt so bad but that will get better if you take it easy for awhile. Did it feel good or fun at all before it started to hurt?

    I was interested in your post because on Sunday I rode a bike again for the first time in 24 years. I rode around for about 15 minutes just trying to get used to the bike again and see if I could still do it. It was so much fun!. I felt like a kid again and it was great. So now I'm waiting for a night that's not horribly hot and humid to go out and ride again. I should say, this is the first summer I have weighed less than 300 pounds in 24 years, so that's why I'm feeling up to trying biking again.

    Best of luck to you! I'm new to myfitnesspal, please friend me if you would like.

  • thepinas
    thepinas Posts: 38
    Congrats on taking a huge first step today! I'm sorry it hurt so bad but that will get better if you take it easy for awhile. Did it feel good or fun at all before it started to hurt?

    I was interested in your post because on Sunday I rode a bike again for the first time in 24 years. I rode around for about 15 minutes just trying to get used to the bike again and see if I could still do it. It was so much fun!. I felt like a kid again and it was great. So now I'm waiting for a night that's not horribly hot and humid to go out and ride again. I should say, this is the first summer I have weighed less than 300 pounds in 24 years, so that's why I'm feeling up to trying biking again.

    Best of luck to you! I'm new to myfitnesspal, please friend me if you would like.


    I have to admit that it was extremely fun in the beginning. I bought a baby seat for my son to take him along and he was laughing and having so much fun watching daddy make silly faces. Seeing him have a blast was the best!! It was only bad in the end, but Im not sore at all today, which means I will be right back on that bike again this evening!! :) I used to love bike riding a few years ago, I would go on lots of difficult trails and for very long distances, I just have to get back in the swing of things again!! Congrats on being under 300 this summer...perhaps next summer you will be under 200 :D Keep up the good work..im sending a friend request your way!
  • DanielleMN
    DanielleMN Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks! I'm glad you had fun and that you feel OK today. It sounds like your son had a great time!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    ooo epsome salt bath and advil my dear! bike riding is a hard sport lol but keep going, your *kitten* will get use to it, and before you know it you will be peddling for an hour