Leading Ladies Challenge - Week 1 - (Closed Group)



  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    The best advice I received, and would give anyone, is something very simple one of my best MFP friends said to me over and over, "YOU CAN DO THIS!" Having someone else believe in you is very powerful.
  • KimAggie04
    KimAggie04 Posts: 165 Member
    My goals for this week are going well. I use Exercise TV for my workouts, but the program I was following ended. So instead I choose two new ones and got a good workout. Anyone else here have to exercise with children climbing on your back?!!! It makes for an interesting & fun workout. Today, I had a special date day with my husband, and we went to Schlitterbaun (a local water park). I walked, swam & climbed stairs all day long.

    ***Today's question: If you were to give one piece of advice (whether you follow it consistently or not, haha) to someone working on losing weight, what would it be?***

    I would say the same as some of the other ladies. Don't try to change everything in a day. Start with small changes in your diet, such as, fruit and vegetables as snacks at work or eating oatmeal for breakfast. Look around for healthy foods you enjoy. I have fallen in love with Greek yogurt and would have never even tried it before. Also, start small with your exercises and figure out what you enjoy the most.
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Hello, ladies! :)
    I'm happy to report than even though I'm on vacation visiting my mom (who keeps saying I need to stop losing weight!) and food consumption has been a little rough (had a HUUUUGE cookie yesterday!), I have NOT missed a single work out. Also, my mom twisted my arm and made me step on her scale to see if it was accurate. It still read 116. I'm not counting it as a weigh in since it's not my scale, but I'm just glad it gave me a friendly number!

    ***Today's question: If you were to give one piece of advice (whether you follow it consistently or not, haha) to someone working on losing weight, what would it be?***

    If the problem is not hunger, then food is not the answer.
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    Maria - I LOVED your advice. SO important for me to remember that. And obviously everyone understands your mother's concern. She's used to seeing you a certain way so now, at your new and improved lower weight, you may look different to her in a way she's not comfortable with. But it's important to remember (as you clearly do) that we can't change our goals based on other people, no matter how well-intentioned they think they are. At 5'0", I'm fairly certain you could weigh as little as 98 pounds and still be within the healthy weight range for your height.
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    Oh right! Today's question:

    Which song(s) are your favorite to work out to? What REALLY gets you pumped and moving? (This question is self-serving, lol. I will take all your answers and download them for my own workouts! )

    Off the top of my head, my favorites are: Wine Up by Kat and Elephant Man (not sure if that title or artist are correct...), Waka Waka by Shakira, almost anything by Lady Gaga or Ke$ha, and lots of Eminem's music like "Til I Collapse" and "Lose Yourself".

    And of course, Eye of the Tiger. :-D
  • Marsha_S
    Marsha_S Posts: 74 Member
    "Which song(s) are your favorite to work out to? What REALLY gets you pumped and moving?"

    I love caribbean calypso/soca music from Trinidad and Tobago, that really gets me going - Machel Montano is a classic soca artiste. I also like The Saturdays, The Wanted, Filter, Robyn, Al B Sure...the list goes on
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    QOTD 8/3: Which song(s) are your favorite to work out to? What REALLY gets you pumped and moving? (This question is self-serving, lol. I will take all your answers and download them for my own workouts! )

    I'm a big dance movie & TV soundtrack person when it comes to working out. Definitely prefer country music to relax to.

    "I quit" "Strong" and "Lucky" from buffy soundtrack.
    "Higher Ground" from Center Stage soundtrack
    Entire RENT soundtrack
  • ardavis23
    ardavis23 Posts: 95 Member
    Which song(s) are your favorite to work out to? What REALLY gets you pumped and moving? (This question is self-serving, lol. I will take all your answers and download them for my own workouts! )

    I am into pretty much anything with a good fast beat! Theres a song out there called "let me think about it by Ida Cor, which is AWESOME to run to!
    -Lady Gaga

    Also, this sounds silly but CheerFM.com Has good stuff to workout to...its all your favorite songs put into a good mix!!
  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Good morning, Leading Ladies!!

    I hope you're all ready for 9 weeks of hard work!

    Today is the first day of August so let's all take a second to think hard about where we want to be on the LAST day of August. Do you want to be 6 pounds lighter? Be able to lift the next size up in dumbells? Do 10 more push ups than you can do now? Add a mile to your run? Think about what you want and how you plan on achieving it.

    There is one participant whose starting weight I don't have yet, but with 12 of us having weighed in, we cumulatively weigh 2093.2 pounds!! Each week I'll post our cumulative weight as well as who lost the most that week and who's lost the most so far.

    I want you to use this space to share... well, everything. Did you have a personal best in one of your workouts? We want to know about it. Did you say no thank you to a food you usually cave in to? We want to know. Struggling with something in particular and need some support or advice? We want to know! ... you get it. :)

    Remember, this post doesn't say CHALLENGE in the title for no reason! I want you all to push yourselves just a little bit harder in these next 9 weeks than you have before. We all have our obstacles, take these 9 weeks to identify them and come up with real life solutions that will translate into YOU GETTING WHAT YOU CAME FOR!

    This space is also for Question(s) of the Day. Answer as many as you can!

    Today's QOTD: What is the biggest obstacle to your weightloss right now? What's standing in your way? AND how are you going to work around that obstacle for the next 9 weeks? Will you find a way to exercise indoors because it's too hot outside? Will you ask your loved ones to be aware of your efforts so they can be sure to support you too?

    I look forward to seeing all of your awesome responses! :)


    At the end of August I want to be 10 pounds lighter.
    I want to have consistently worked out at least 6 days a week.
    I want to have my eating under control. (Feel free to check my diary and call me out)

    I biggest obstacle is going to be trying to move this month and looking for a new job (not that I want one, but my business is just not growing as fast as I would like, so I need to supplement my income) I will over come this all by either getting up early or staying up late to get my workouts in and I will keep healthy portable snacks on hand. My motivation to be successful, besides the way I feel, is the way my husband looks at me!
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    I keep low fat beef jerkey, kashi granola bars, and triscuit thin crisps in my desk and car. :) They've saved me SO many times!!
  • redmenacenh
    redmenacenh Posts: 10 Member
    I just found your group, Sam, and I am in. I also started on August 1st to focus on getting healthy and exercising before school starts up again. My hope is to have these habits in place before I go back to work.

    My favorite workout song is Closer to the Edge by (crap I can't remember)....It is very uplifting to me.

  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    Hi Gretchen! :) Message me your starting weight (as of last Sunday) and I'll add you to the group!
  • SuperMal
    SuperMal Posts: 13 Member
    I don't have a good answer to todays question...Which song(s) are your favorite to work out to? What REALLY gets you pumped and moving?

    To be honest when my husband and I are exercising we usually have the tv on to listen too. There is nothing better than to laugh while I'm excersising. I must confess, lately we've been turning on Tosh.0 for background noise. I know this show is terrible but its like a train wreck, you can't help but look. :noway:

    But, when music is on its usually some good country music. I'm a country girl at heart and even if its a slow moving song by Rascall Flats I'm moving to it!
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member

    Tomorrow is my weigh in so wish me luck! I feel good about it. :) The boyfriend and I are having steak tips tonight but I'm going to have summer squash and carrots on the side instead of a grain.

    8/4/11 QUESTION!

    How do you deal with the naysayers? People who push food on you and say, "you HAVE to try my homemade schnitzle, I'll be offended if you don't!" and "Oh, just ONE cookie won't kill you" and "relax, you look great, you don't have to lose a pound!" or "you're too thin already, stop losing weight!" OR, an example from my own life, "you'll never be a size 6, your body just wasn't meant to be that small."

    How do you deal with the people who (intentionally or not) try to derail or deflate your efforts?
  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Actually I'm pretty lucky I haven't had a lot of that, but those that did I just straight out told them the changes I am making are a matter of life and death and if you care anything about that you will support me and if you don't then I need to know that so I can distance myself from you. Let's just say I quit a pretty good paying job partially for this reason.
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    QOTD 8/4: How do you deal with the naysayers? People who push food on you and say, "you HAVE to try my homemade schnitzle, I'll be offended if you don't!" and "Oh, just ONE cookie won't kill you" and "relax, you look great, you don't have to lose a pound!" or "you're too thin already, stop losing weight!" OR, an example from my own life, "you'll never be a size 6, your body just wasn't meant to be that small."

    How do you deal with the people who (intentionally or not) try to derail or deflate your efforts?

    Well, first - I try to take everything said by those I care about into consideration. I'm realistic about my goals. I'm 6ft tall, my bone structure is not going to support a size 0. I'm not willing to be delusional - and I appreciate my friends making sure I'm not setting myself up for failure.

    That said - people who try to feed me foods I can't - and won't - eat I tell them straight up that I respect our friendship and relationship too much to be angry at them by eating the food and then being silently angry at them when the scale doesn't move. I've pulled so many friends into my journey that I really don't suffer this trouble anymore. And - I can always have ONE bite of the xxx food - but I can't have one bite of four xxx foods... moderation is the key.
  • ardavis23
    ardavis23 Posts: 95 Member
    As much as I hate to say this, but I am the type to give in to that kind of stuff; and this is why I have such a hard time with my goals. I even do it to myself saying “OH JUST ONE WONT HURT!” but then one turns into maybe five or six. But I have been doing a lot better, and I hope I will stick to it! I am not over weight or anything currently but I am just not happy with my size I am. I do not care about anybody else who tells me I’m fine the way I am, or them telling me to stop loosing weight. This is something I do for me and me only!
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I just say No Thank You. If they insist, I laugh.
  • LA_proud
    LA_proud Posts: 162 Member
    This funny for me, because as heavy as I am, I do not eat everyone's food. Whether they cooked it or not. It a clean thing for me! And some people who think they can cook, really can't. So I just say no thank you and keep it moving.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Update on my new trainer: My new trainer messed up my knee on our first appointment on Monday, so when I went back on Wednesday, she gave me a free session, which was much gentler and did not aggravate my knee. She is paying close attention to my form, and I think this is going to work out well.