Hi everyone

Hi everyone,

Been a long time member of MFP but never really used the site, until last week.

Here's my story so far.

I've always been a big lad but after changing from a manual job, mechanic, to a desk job my weight slowly increased over the course of a couple of years. To the point I couldn't see my feet :wink: I never weighed myself but estimate I was around 266lbs (19st)

In 2013 i started cycling with a couple of work mates but struggled to control my eating. Pizza became an after ride snack.
By 2014 according to a random set of scales that appeared in the office I weighed 18st (252lbs). I plodded on with the same eating habits

Jan 2015 244lbs 5ft 10. The usual new year new me!

I got a fitbit tracker and scales, realised just how inactive I was. Started walking on each break at work but still wasn't getting anywhere near the 10000 steps. Only managing to get out on my bike once or twice week. My riding buddies having to wait an age for me to get to the top of a trail. I really needed to get my act together!

March comes around and I decided to start cycling to work. 15 miles each way. Being a slightly competitive mountain biker I needed to pedal faster and hard....
The weight started to fall off, despite a daily Gregg's bacon sarnie and random pork pies. Mmmm pork pies....
This is great burning, an extra 2000 calories a day, means I have to eat more. Getting weighed daily keeps keeps the food intake in check.
I get soooo close to my goal of 14st (200lbs) but A change of jobs in October 2015 means no more cycling to work. Start eating a little less but I'm struggling to maintain my weight. Getting a bit yoyo
A change of work shift pattern in March this year means less time on the bike but the love of food is still there. A few of the old eating habits creep back in, just on more slice, of course I'll have chips, chocolate? Yes please. Age weighed daily is no longer keeping me going in the right direction.

And that brings the story up to date.
Weight is 210 lbs still aiming for 200lbs but my jeans are feeling tighter
I need to get this love of food under control.
Never been a fan of logging food intake but i do like a good graph.

So here goes, Fitbit and Garmin linked to MFP. Its graphtastic :smiley:

Thanks for staying awake till the end.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Wish me luck!


You'll have to excuse the user name, its my Xbox tag no idea why I signed up here with it.


  • RenaTX
    RenaTX Posts: 345 Member
    Aww . Welcome back to MFP.
  • Lellite81
    Lellite81 Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome. You have a long road behind you and in front of you, but it is worth it once you find it in yourself to enjoy the process:)
  • MrF0wler
    MrF0wler Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks guys.

    I'm hoping this will either help me change my eating habits or at least push me to exercise more. Ideally both

  • MrF0wler
    MrF0wler Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Noel

    A sarnie is a sandwich :smile:

    I'm looking at getting a turbo trainer for over the winter months, that should be a great help. I want to enter some cycling events next year so that'll give me an extra goal to work towards.

  • BradyPug
    BradyPug Posts: 26 Member
    Bought a new hybrid bike to do some more biking, mostly for fun but also to keep active, but will have to wait for that until Spring. Am going to start going to lane swims (during “senior swim times”) so it’s less intimidating than being with the serious lap swimmers :) Noel_57 add me as a friend if want and lets compare notes LOL