
Hello, I a wondering if there is anyone out there who would be willing to see/ready my food longs daily and tell me what I am doing wrong or right? I am new to this group. I am really trying to loose about 40 pounds and need help. I am going from a day of not eating breakfast or lunch and eating a ton at dinner. I have learned that my body has been in starvation mode. I am trying to get out of this habit. Thank you in advance and I look forward to any help provided. :)


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    Starvation mode doesn’t exist.

    Log your food as accurately as possible, including using a food scale if need be.
  • dawnguerin27
    dawnguerin27 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you, I do have a scale. Just bought one. I am very committed to loosing some weight. I appreciate your input. :)
  • dwilliamca
    dwilliamca Posts: 325 Member
    Open your diary logs, post your goals and statistics and find friends on the same/similar amount of calories whose log you can look at and who might be willing to take a look at yours once in awhile and give suggestions.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Doesn't matter when you eat, you are not in starvation mode. Log accurately and the results will come.
  • leann2008
    leann2008 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm not a nutritionist or dietician but I can be a set of eyes to look at your logs once in a while. You could message me and I can see if I have any input/recommendations