Wish I had more control over the loss

Here is the thing that kills me about weight loss. In reality I have very little control over it. Example. I decided on November 25 to quit smoking, and I did. It was hard, I mean REALLY HORRIBLY hard, but I did it. However, I was able to control not smoking, I just didn't do it. Even when I thought I was going to die, I didn't do it. Then I decided to run a half marathon (for me was huge because I had never run in my life!) and I did it. I could control that. I just ran. Everyday I ran. Even when I wanted to quit, I ran. And now I have decided to go for the trifecta. I NEED to lose weight. The problem is, I have very little control over the scales. I know HOW to lose weight. I follow the programs, I excercise, I watch my calories etc. But the scale doesn't move (well sometimes it moves up). Its very frustrating and I often give up after a week or two because who wants to put in tons of hard work for no results? My body just seems to WANT to be chubby. I can think of no other reason (I have also had my thyroid checked). The most frustrating part of this whole process is that I can't control the results to any real extent. My body is going to do what is it is going to do. Does anyone else have this problem, these frustrations?


  • fat2fab4life
    fat2fab4life Posts: 253 Member
    I want to commend you on quitting smoking. i quit and it was very hard about 2 years ago, but now I struggle b/c I can't seem to quit over eating. i wish you the best of luck! I hope that your scale will movei n the direction you want it to
  • starberi30
    OMG! I am having the same problem! I am trying to find inspiration by going thru peoples blogs and seeing if they have some miracle exersize that will help me. I have the 30 day shred but once I get to about 15 minutes I lose it and walk away... like a loser. I am so sad about my weight (i'm 165lbs and 5'3) that I even dream about it. I think I have OCD solely about my weight gain. I hope someone helps. So far today I have found that a lot of people love the 30 day shred DVD... and I/any person just needs to get thru the first 3 days. :-/ I have the calorie control down pat... I just need to find the motivation to get off my fat butt to lose it!
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    I hear ya. If you told me I would have to endure a week of the most excruciating pain in the world but it would mean I could be my ideal weight I would do it. Unfortunately, it is not that easy so we have to take it slow and steady. Good luck and keep a positive attitude.
  • jwallace84
    jwallace84 Posts: 44 Member

    I used to say the same thing. My body does what it wants. However, I continue to try different things this is my first time counting calories and I plan on sticking with it for the long haul. Giving up after 2 weeks may be your downfall. I would give it at least a month. There are many things that happen throughout the month (menstrual cycle) that affect the scale. So I would just continue trying. If you want it bad enough, you will do it. I know you can do it considering all of your other accomplishments. Congrats!!!
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    Your body will respond in time. Yes, it may seem like you have no control over it, but you DO. You are the one who gets out there to exercise. You are the one who joined this site (excellent choice). You are the one who controls what goes in your mouth. You are the one who vigilantly logs every morsel of food and drink that goes into your mouth. As you do this you will start to see a weight loss or inch loss on your body. It may not happen in the first 4 weeks, dependent on how much you have to lose.

    And to starberi30: Don't stop at 15 minutes today. Go to 20 minutes. I don't know 30 DS - I just ordered it and I will start it next week, but each day if you go a little further than the day before you have won. And in a few weeks you will be able to go the whole way and wonder why you couldn't finish 15 minutes.

    Get in there and do it. Don't give up, don't give in, and remember to reward yourself in some way for all the hard work you are doing.

    Good luck!
  • aimeercole
    Thanks for all the encouragement guys! Of course I plan on sticking with it, maybe a month from now I will look back at this post and laugh and wonder why i thought it was so hard :)