I think this lingering feeling is about to explode.

Okay, let me give a little backstory. My parents were both theatre majors so I grew up with performing arts. Since I was born they were involved in community theatre (They don't really do it anymore). Most of the time one of them was directing and one was in the show and another couple they were friends with ran the music part of it. When I was little, I wanted to be an actor. That was it, that was all I knew. As I started to gain weight (I actually don't remember ever being thin to be honest) I started to have other interests. By the time I was ten I had given up the acting thing and I was going to be a lawyer. Law is still my goal and I am working towards getting into law school. But lately as I watch tv shows or movies I begin to think "I want that" I've found many ways to put off this feeling of wanting to act because I knew to be a real actor you had to be thin. I joined band in middle school to have some sort of performing arts in my life but Im not in band now that I'm in college and I honestly don't miss it. I think I want to act but I don't know. I know that if I work hard I can be a lawyer and get into law school. I have control over that. But if I switch to acting, that career is more luck than anything else. I would not be in control, others would be. I really just don't know what to do. I absolutely love my international affairs major and I love the idea of going to law school but am I just playing it safe? If I could be guaranteed that I could be a successful actress I would be happy to pursue that career. (Once I'm thin of course) I really just don't know what to do.


  • HealthyKt78
    Okay, let me give a little backstory. My parents were both theatre majors so I grew up with performing arts. Since I was born they were involved in community theatre (They don't really do it anymore). Most of the time one of them was directing and one was in the show and another couple they were friends with ran the music part of it. When I was little, I wanted to be an actor. That was it, that was all I knew. As I started to gain weight (I actually don't remember ever being thin to be honest) I started to have other interests. By the time I was ten I had given up the acting thing and I was going to be a lawyer. Law is still my goal and I am working towards getting into law school. But lately as I watch tv shows or movies I begin to think "I want that" I've found many ways to put off this feeling of wanting to act because I knew to be a real actor you had to be thin. I joined band in middle school to have some sort of performing arts in my life but Im not in band now that I'm in college and I honestly don't miss it. I think I want to act but I don't know. I know that if I work hard I can be a lawyer and get into law school. I have control over that. But if I switch to acting, that career is more luck than anything else. I would not be in control, others would be. I really just don't know what to do. I absolutely love my international affairs major and I love the idea of going to law school but am I just playing it safe? If I could be guaranteed that I could be a successful actress I would be happy to pursue that career. (Once I'm thin of course) I really just don't know what to do.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Well.... there is no harm in doing it all.
    I mean you love your major....so finish it.
    Maybe on the side take some theater classes, work with community productions, etc.
    If you want to do law.... do it....
    Doesn't mean you can't do other stuff too.
  • mutkin
    mutkin Posts: 109
    Sure, the majority of stars are thin. But that doesn't mean that there aren't part for us heavier girls as well. Look at commercials, they use all types of people skinny, fat, pretty, not-so-pretty. lol They're always looking for all types to be extras in films. And, if you're not comfortable taking on acting parts just yet because of your body, don't forget about voice-over work. There are lots of avenues into the performing arts.

    Good luck!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Okay, first of all where do you live? If you live in the LA or NY area there is a LOT of work for background extras. You aren't in the limelight, but you get to be part of that whole 'atmosphere.' Also - what about Renassiance festivals in your area? If you are in Texas, Maryland or Ohio (I'm sure there are other good ones - but those are the biggest and best) there are always openings. And in my experience, from working there, people aren't judgemental about size - plus you get to wear really pretty stuff and they'res all these hunky guys walking around with swords. :love: :bigsmile: I hate LA because there are no good festivals. :grumble:

    Also, if you are comfortable with your size (I mean really comfortable) there is a calling for 'big girls.' You will generally have a role that makes fun of how fat you are - which is why I said you needed to be comfortable, but its a smaller market because how many of us REALLY want to do that?!

    All that being said, I would HIGHLY encourage your interest in law. Acting doesn't pay the bills, even if you are a professional and thats all you do. You need to be a B-list star before you could ever live off of it. Also - work is extremely inconsistant. You might have three jobs come and once and nothing for 8 months. Its terrifying and stressful to constantly be looking for work. But, you get the bonus of always getting to do something different! I work in film (beind the camera) so my career is exactly like that. From last May to last October I had no work. Then I got a smattering of jobs, now I have a part time job, and the cycle will start all over again.

    I would absolutely do it on the side though! Its so fun and freeing. Maybe instead of a career it could be a hobby? Or it could start as a hobby and if you got the lucky breaks it could grow into a career. :flowerforyou:
  • HealthyKt78
    Okay, first of all where do you live? If you live in the LA or NY area there is a LOT of work for background extras. You aren't in the limelight, but you get to be part of that whole 'atmosphere.' Also - what about Renassiance festivals in your area? If you are in Texas, Maryland or Ohio (I'm sure there are other good ones - but those are the biggest and best) there are always openings. And in my experience, from working there, people aren't judgemental about size - plus you get to wear really pretty stuff and they'res all these hunky guys walking around with swords. :love: :bigsmile: I hate LA because there are no good festivals. :grumble:

    Also, if you are comfortable with your size (I mean really comfortable) there is a calling for 'big girls.' You will generally have a role that makes fun of how fat you are - which is why I said you needed to be comfortable, but its a smaller market because how many of us REALLY want to do that?!

    All that being said, I would HIGHLY encourage your interest in law. Acting doesn't pay the bills, even if you are a professional and thats all you do. You need to be a B-list star before you could ever live off of it. Also - work is extremely inconsistant. You might have three jobs come and once and nothing for 8 months. Its terrifying and stressful to constantly be looking for work. But, you get the bonus of always getting to do something different! I work in film (beind the camera) so my career is exactly like that. From last May to last October I had no work. Then I got a smattering of jobs, now I have a part time job, and the cycle will start all over again.

    I would absolutely do it on the side though! Its so fun and freeing. Maybe instead of a career it could be a hobby? Or it could start as a hobby and if you got the lucky breaks it could grow into a career. :flowerforyou:

    I live in Tallahassee for school but Tampa is still my home. I understand all the struggles actors have. I know people (through my parents) who never got their "big break" and I know some who have. The struggles are part of the reason I took myself away from that. I thought I wouldn't miss it but I do.
  • geo1177
    I know Exactly what your going through. I had a career crisis myself. I started with a trade school because it was recommended and it wasn't something I liked so I luckily got out of it the first trial week. I went to pursue acting as there was a particular movie I choose to audition for. But I realized I was still out of shape and it would take some time to get back in to shape and get the necessary training. What I realized was that acting was a interest of mine but not meant ot be pursued at the time. Doesn't mean I won't get into acting later. One thing I am doing is making sure I can financially support my family and I by running my own business, from there I'm moving to bigger and better things. My advice to you is, don't limit to what you can and can't do. Many actors and actresses weren't just acting when they started, they studied, they worked different types of jobs, and worked acting on the side until it grew and they made it. Plus you can put your knowledge into practice and mix fields. You'll know all the legal matters front to back of showbiz and make a better investment in yourself and the gigs you choose when you do become a professional performer. Always have something to fall back on, and always pursue your dreams, that way there's no regrets. Much success to you.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Again....it doesn't HAVE to be all or nothing.
    If you are waiting for someone on here to say, "YAY! Go do it, embrace your dream no matter the risk!"
    Well, someone might....but the reality of it is it's still going to be your choice.
    I am learning that most times when people ask for advice on certain topics....the person asking has already made up their mind....they just want someone else to confirm that the choice they already made was right.

  • HealthyKt78
    Again....it doesn't HAVE to be all or nothing.
    If you are waiting for someone on here to say, "YAY! Go do it, embrace your dream no matter the risk!"
    Well, someone might....but the reality of it is it's still going to be your choice.
    I am learning that most times when people ask for advice on certain topics....the person asking has already made up their mind....they just want someone else to confirm that the choice they already made was right.


    I have NOT made a choice. I want to be involved in law, maybe even the united nations and I want to act, like really act in movies and tv. I don't know which one I want more and I dont know if I can actually do both full out. If I had an answer I wouldn't have asked.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Have you considered entertainment law? I do believe we can have it all, the problem is whether or not we have TIME for it all.... prioritize. While you're in school, audition for some college productions - great way to get experience, feed the acting bug and still focus on your goals in law. Just another 2 cents worth:wink: Isn't it GREAT that we are fortunate enough to have these kinds of dilemmas!
  • HealthyKt78
    Have you considered entertainment law? I do believe we can have it all, the problem is whether or not we have TIME for it all.... prioritize. While you're in school, audition for some college productions - great way to get experience, feed the acting bug and still focus on your goals in law. Just another 2 cents worth:wink: Isn't it GREAT that we are fortunate enough to have these kinds of dilemmas!

    I actually did consider entertainment law. That was my goal when I first got into law but now it's evolved to international law such as the united nations. There's so much I want to do. If only we didn't waste a third of our life sleeping. I hate that we have to sleep.