Opening my diary. Lost about 30lb so far. Have at least 30 to go

Hi everyone,
I've lost 30lb so far and have at least 30 more to go. I'm a 6' male 40yo, started at about 277 in August and I'm down to 247 using mainly a keto diet. Figured I'd open my diary and answer any questions for anyone who is starting out and curious about what works. I'm am not an expert, but I know I found it helpful to look at the diaries of those who had some success and a similar body type as myself. I definitely feel much more energetic and healthier overall although I haven't had any blood tests to confirm anything yet. I am waiting until I lose another 7 - 10 pounds until I make a doctor's appointment to check. My blood pressure Is still high (at least when I check it at home using a meter). Hopeful it will drop when I lose some more and I can get off of Lisinopril although I was born with only one functioning kidney so I may have to be in some meds forever as that has an effect on BP and filtering. Good luck on your journey.


  • MeechyLA
    MeechyLA Posts: 159 Member
    Welcome! Congrats on the 30lbs loss, huge accomplishment!
  • diniba69
    diniba69 Posts: 16 Member
    MeechyLA wrote: »
    Welcome! Congrats on the 30lbs loss, huge accomplishment!

    Hey... Don't call me huge... Jk... Thanks. Keto definitely works for me. When counting calories.
  • rmhartley7172
    rmhartley7172 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for sharing your progress and methods!
  • pogiguy05
    pogiguy05 Posts: 1,583 Member
    Awesome work so far and I have a friend who has been doing Keto for a couple of years and has lost 120lbs so far. He does not go to the gym and travels alot. The one thing he does is stick to the Keto even when eating out. He just asks for adjustments to items on the menu. I am 51yo and need to lose about another 40-50lbs. Society says for my height of 5'10" I should weight at tops 165lbs and i have not weighted that since well forever. I would be happy with 170-180. I was 180lbs when I got out the Army in 1991 and I was 25yo and was overweight by Army standards then. For me also hopefully changing my eating and exercising will help me with my Cholesterol which has been high for at least 2009 when I started checking it. Usually in the 240 range and my good is like 40 and bad is like 180. I am suppose to be taking a statin drug but I did not like how it made me feel at all so I stopped.

    The key to it all is to change your lifestyle to a healthier eating habits. That is the hardest thing to stay with for me. Keep up the great work.
  • diniba69
    diniba69 Posts: 16 Member
    pogiguy05 wrote: »
    Awesome work so far and I have a friend who has been doing Keto for a couple of years and has lost 120lbs so far. He does not go to the gym and travels alot. The one thing he does is stick to the Keto even when eating out. He just asks for adjustments to items on the menu. I am 51yo and need to lose about another 40-50lbs. Society says for my height of 5'10" I should weight at tops 165lbs and i have not weighted that since well forever. I would be happy with 170-180. I was 180lbs when I got out the Army in 1991 and I was 25yo and was overweight by Army standards then. For me also hopefully changing my eating and exercising will help me with my Cholesterol which has been high for at least 2009 when I started checking it. Usually in the 240 range and my good is like 40 and bad is like 180. I am suppose to be taking a statin drug but I did not like how it made me feel at all so I stopped.

    The key to it all is to change your lifestyle to a healthier eating habits. That is the hardest thing to stay with for me. Keep up the great work.

    Keto definitely seems to be working and it is so satisfying compared to other methods. Right now I'm testing out a higher calorie, lower protein version of keto to see if it works. So far so good as I still seem to be dropping weight almost every day, my energy levels are great, and I don't have some of the ailments I had when eating carbs (stomach acid, dizziness, headaches). If anyone wants to check it out search for "common sense keto" on Facebook. Still kind of an experiment as I was losing so we'll at eating about 1800 calories, but if this continues to work I will stick to it because is not sustainable, enjoyable, and logically seems to make more sense than being at a calorie defective all the time. With this new keto I am eating at over 2400 calories but about 80%fat and 20% protein... As close to 0% carb as I can get... We will see if it works.