Looking for motivation

Hello, I'm Jennifer. I'm a married mother to one boy. I started my weight loss journey back in April when I realized how much weight I had gained through a picture that was posted by a family member on Facebook. In my first couple of weeks I was able to lose 12 pounds but then fell off track at the beginning of May.

In June my husband lost his best friend due to complications from a heart attack, but he was only 30 years old. This tragedy made me realize I needed to get healthy so I could spend more time with my family. I have had borderline high blood pressure for years and felt kind of scared that doing nothing would end up killing me.

Since April I have lost a total of 72 pounds all naturally simply by counting calories and keeping my sodium intake below 200 mg a day. However these past few weeks I've felt myself starting to slip because of the holidays and the plethora of food that is constantly available.

I'm just here to see if maybe anyone else is having the same struggle so we can get through the holidays together by encouraging one another.


  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,172 Member
    Just log in the holiday food to MFP. Eat 1/2 of the portions you'd normally eat, you'll probably discover that you'll be satisfied with that amount because you've been paying attention to calories for so long. I've struggled with this, especially with all the leftovers I have in my house. I weigh myself every day and when the scale bumps up three pounds I know I have to re-commit to my goal. It's a great feeling to realize you really can control your intake. This helps me. Good luck!
  • Livingthedream17
    Definitely having that problem now! I’ve been waiting for it though. In the last year I had lost 62 lbs, and have now gained 11 back. So far today I’m doing well by planning for 3meals, and not telling myself I’m a failure. In fact, I’m going to work on some new goals including activity goals, and , while keeping my running total weight loss in mind, sort of start from the beginning from this weight I’m at right now. I’d like to lose 36 pounds. The good thing is I feel no need to do this quickly, one reason being I’m still feeling good because of the weight I’ve lost and kept off! I’m definitely going to concentrate on that, and try not let the stress of the gain freak me out and snowball in the wrong direction. I’m going to try and find a new perspective in a fresh start. We can do this!

  • TXEXrunner
    TXEXrunner Posts: 178 Member
    Congratulations on your progress. Don't necessarily have an issue with eating during the holidays. I just increase my workouts to compensate. That said I check in daily and can help motivate if you're interested. Feel free to send a request if you wish.