Excessive Exhaustion...

I am constantly inspired by so many people on here making goals and reaching them over and over again until they reach their ultimate goal. There are women and men out there running families and maintaining full-time jobs.

What I don't get is HOW?

I am at work, absolutely exhausted because I didn't get more then 5 hours of sleep last night. This is a typical night and I don't know how to fix it. Let me explain.

Wake up at 7am and make breakfast for children and we eat. 7:20 shower, 7:40 dres and brush teeth, gather everything for the day, out the door at 8:30. I start at 9am and work until 5pm. I do not get a lunch break so I eat while at my desk working. I leave the office at about 5:15 and head home. At 5:45 (rush hour) I am home, grab the kids and drive to football practice. 6:00pm (we get there at 6:15)football practice starts. I am there until 8:30pm (I considered driving to the gym during practice... but thats 30 minutes in the OTHER direction) Get home about 8:50, make dinner. Eat at 9:30 then clean up kitchen (no dishwasher) Done at 9:50. Make lunches for next day and get all snacks and childrens "daily to-do" list done and now its 10:10pm. Get some light laundry done and make sure the children are tucked in bed. 10:45 rolls around and I am exhausted.

Am I supposed to work out now?? If so, then that takes me into 30 minutes exercising and then another shower. 1 hour later it is midnight and I still have to brush my teeth and fall asleep....

Please! Any suggestions would be fantastic? Anyone know of a free helping hand?? I'll feed them :)


  • nikkicarter13
    nikkicarter13 Posts: 231 Member
    Can you workout while the kids are at football practice? Go for a run, bring a bike and go for a bike ride, rollerblade near/around the football field? I also know of people who will bring weights and a mat with them in their cars and do bootcamp like workouts on fields. Maybe that is an option for you?
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    Run laps around the football field while the kids are at practice. Bring a bike and ride around the area. There are plenty of ways you can get some exercise in while your kids are at practice. Otherwise, you can get up an hour earlier and get your workout done before the kids even get up. I used to do the morning workouts and always felt incredible after!
  • kashia09
    kashia09 Posts: 15
    my coworker recently had to cut her afternoons at the gym to be able to be a power house football mom like yourself...What she's taken to doing now is while her kids practice she walk and jogs around the park they are at. If you're at practice with your son for that long and don't want to drive the 30 mins to the gym you could walk/jog around the football field several times, walk up and down the bleachers...even grab some free weights to help add some difficulty while doing the walking or jogging. Something is always better than nothing :). Well, Good Luck!
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    I'm a big fan of working in work outs where ever you can! How about grabbing the running shoes and walking/running laps around the kids field? Or how about enrolling in a CLASS and making that as much of a priority as whatever the kids are doing? Remember, by taking care of your health, you'll be a better role model for them and you'll be around to love them longer!

    You and I operate on a similiar schedule. I'm in bed around 10:30 on a normal night, asleep around 11ish, but I'm up between 5:45 or 6am. So it's possible to get up and work out in the AM maybe? Standarizing your sleep schedule IS HARD! I'm not great at it. Last night I was asleep around 2:30am and it was fitful sleep at that - but today I have a 5k to do (I challenged myself to running a 5 k everyday until 9/3) and I'm not missing out! A 5k is really only 45 minutes if I walk it, about 30 minutes if I run it.

    How about going for a brisk walk during your lunch break?
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    Can you arrange a carpool with other parents to football practice so you don't have to go every day? Even twice a week would help you have some "me" time where you could work out and then have dinner ready when everyone gets home. Or even just use it for a nap and relaxation time, which is also very important to your mental well-being.

    By the way, it's no wonder you are exhausted. I can't imagine keeping that up day after day.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You work eight hours with no breaks? Maybe it is time for your husband to help out with the routine some so you can get a break too. They are his kids. Trust me, as a stepmom and mother I know how hard it can be when you are taking on the kiddie responsibilities and working full time..
  • teelt13
    teelt13 Posts: 100 Member
    I think nikki9779 has a great suggestion. Even if you just walk from 6:15 to 8:30..that will will help. A 2 hour walk at a steady pace could burn a good amount of calories! And exercise helps to energize you, so it may give you that extra "oomph" you need to make it until bed time. Where there's a will..there's a way! You can do it!
  • Latoyamary
    Latoyamary Posts: 140
    I agree with Nikki.. Try working out while the kids are at Football practice. You can walk ( at your own pace), take rope ( jump role), jog, etc. Or , if you can gather the energy, try waking at 6:15, 6:30 and do 30 mins of activity before the kids wake up. I understand how you feel, I have to work out before picking her up from camp. If not, I have to take her with me.

    And, weekends, you could make it like family time. We got play basketball together. Really fun and burns a lot of calories.
  • lp0007
    lp0007 Posts: 125 Member
    When my parents used to take me to athletics training they would run whilst I train. Killed 2 birds with 1 stone :smile:
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    I would try that too. Working out while at football practice. You never know, you may inspire another parent to join you! Also you can do double prep when making supper. If you are making meatballs make twice as many and freeze half for a busy day, same with rice(just pop the extra in the fridge), chicken, roasts, sauces, etc. Try doing a bunch of food prep if you have an hour or two on the weekends. Chop veggies and throw them in big zip locks for fresh eating or stir frys, throw together some casseroles that you could have ready in the freezer, pull them out to defrost the night before then heat them up for supper when you get home.
  • somewhere in your time, if you can spare 20 minutes jillian has 30 day shred that is all you need to get going its a great workout in a short time.
  • corymomma
    corymomma Posts: 405 Member
    I'd challenge myself to walk around the field (hopefully it has a track) while they practice. See how many times you can do it the first week, then the next week try and up it 1 or 2 rounds...when you finally can (or you might be able to now, I just know I can't) try jogging/running a lap walking a lap, so on and so forth. Thus killing 2 birds with one stone. Also I've gotten lazy I don't have a dishwasher either (unless you count my own two hands) so I will use paper plates. On the weekends, try and prepare meals in "bulk" and then freeze them. Thus you can just defrost/reheat/microwave them to help save time. I can't think of any other way you definitely have a very busy schedule. You could also talk to some of the other moms and see if anyone would mind car pooling, swapping out days of the week, you take Monday and Wednesday (you walk/run/job these days at the practice), and they take Tuesday and Thursday (you can hit the gym or have sometime to yourself these days). I'm sorry it's tough...maybe this will help...Best of luck hun...
  • Jazzyjules71
    Jazzyjules71 Posts: 150 Member
    It sounds like you're doing everything, and from your profile it appears you have a husband! So I would work with him on getting help with all the Responsibilities. I love the car pool idea too

    Also, if the kids are old enough to go to football, are they old enough to do their own dishes, help with laundry, and pack their lunches? Maybe not everything, but at some age making them responsible for themselves will only help them in the long run. And help take the load off of you.

    I see you get up at 7:00-- well maybe you can get up at 6:20 and get a DVD workout in before work- 30 minutes is plenty of time to get a good workout in, if you do the right one! Good luck!
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    Oh yeah!
    Make SURE you're getting your water, iron, and vitamin B in too! That will help you battle exhaustion!
  • Shannon7713
    Shannon7713 Posts: 76 Member
    Ugh I was exhausted just reading what you do! LOL.... Last season between 2 of my 3 kids in soccer, I was at the soccer fields 5 days a week! (Practice 3 nights and games fri night and sat morn) I dont know how its set up there but could you walk the fields?? Thats what I did during practices.... Id load up my youngest in the stroller, throw on my IPod and walk.... Its pretty huge, 4 fields put together, but id also walk the parking lot etc.... I did several laps, and worked up a good sweat..... maybe try that?? How old are your kids?? Have them help around the house.... cleaning up after dinner.... I know its easier to do it youself sometimes, but it really great when they help.... it really takes alot of stress off and one less thing YOU have to do.
  • Shannon7713
    Shannon7713 Posts: 76 Member
    I just realized you are in Port Charlotte too! If they ever do soccer or play in the same area, we can walk :) We seem to have the same busy schedule, lol
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Thank you all so much! I really appreciate all the advise. I never thought about walking around the field at practice. He doesn't practice on an actual football field but there is one right next to it. I live about 30 minutes away from practice. In another city.. all the other moms have already made it very clear they will not drive my way to pick up the rugrat. He is only 8 years old and is in his first tackle team.

    Since he doesnt actually practice on the field then I am a little hesitant to leave him there alone.. what if he gets hurt?

    My hubby should be helping more, but he is sick right now.. Maybe when he is better I can get some more help. I think that he will be taking him to football practice while I stay at home.. I am going to have to get back into the workout DVD's because we only have one vehicle so a trip to the gym is out of the question while they arent home.

    Thanks again! I am definately going to see about running the track while they practice.
  • NWfluffy
    NWfluffy Posts: 48 Member
    "ditto" all those people who suggested exercising at the practice field. I've seen lots of moms do that. How about driving home to make dinner while he's at practice so y'all can eat right when you get home? More driving, but also more sleep! You can also take time on the weekend to make main dishes ahead for dinner - Put it in the oven before practice then all you have to do is make a salad, etc & you're good to go. Crock pot meals can be a big help too. You can put a load of wash in when you go to bed, put it in the dryer in the morning, put another load in at that time and dry it when you get home. I keep a couple of loads of things that I don't care if they wrinkle (sheets, towels, undies, sock, jammies, etc). They can dry during the day or overnight & it doesn't matter if they sit in the dryer for hours. Some folks make sandwiches on the weekend & freeze them. Tuna works that way, also PB & J. Take them out when you get up, they'll thaw before you have to pack lunches. Are the kids old enough to help with laundry or lunch packing, or even dinner? My 11 and 13 year old can do some of that (usually with a bit of supervision!). And make sure you drink lots and lots of water and eat enough protein. Those both really affect my energy levels. Hope a few of my suggestions work for you - good luck & keep coming to your MFP friends - we're here to support you!
  • Workout while the kids are at practice....like run around the track or wake up earlier and go for a run/walk outside before the kids wake up. I work a part time job, go to school full time, i have 2 small children and my husband is always gone......it is possible. You just need to find the time....I have found that working out in the morning gives me the energy to get through the day and I usually eat healthier when I work out in the morning. Good luck and I hope you find something that works for you!
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    no Lunch break? is that freakin legal man??? i would defitnately run around the park, do some sit ups...jumping jacks..etc
    (wow, you've got a full schedule!!)