Infertility and Low Carb Diet

SCR4263 Posts: 1 Member
Hey yall!

My husband and I have recently started seeing a reproductive endocrinologist. She's suggested I start a low carb diet. Anyone have experience with this?


  • Tetrelle
    Tetrelle Posts: 75 Member
    Do they actually have any correlation? Or was she suggesting that you lose weight to try and help?

    My assumption is that PCOS is involved for an Endo to make this suggestion. @sarahcransom Can you confirm or tell me I'm wrong?

    Here is where I am going with that. PCOS and type-2 diabetes can go hand in hand with Obesity. Do you have/get all three at once? No. Do they tend to trigger each other? An astounding yes. As someone that suffers from PCOS and being overweight, but dodged the diabetes bullet, I can tell you that one of the most common treatments (that I personally declined) was metaformin. This is a drug commonly used to also treat diabetes. Due to a low-carb diet being one of most common doctor recommended treatments for diabetes, it is usually recommended as well to people who suffer PCOS. It's all about insulin resistance.

    Before the anti-low carb Calvary come in with pitchforks drawn at me, I'm just stating the common recommendations from doctors including my own (DO and OBGYN). I'm not giving the poster advice, I'm just answering Teacups question.

    If PCOS isn't related to the original post, then I'm 100% wrong and please disregard this post.
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