6 week 6 pack .... anyone want to join me?



  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    @shell..thanks for the info on the other JM videos. I had seen others mention BFBM and NMTZ. I may look into those but might not be able to do them on a daily basis (for time sake). I was also thinking about doing another round of RI30 but I guess I have a couple more weeks to make up my mind...lol. I like to walk in addition to doing my JM workouts, so my husband and I are thinking about getting a treadmill but I need to do more research so we get a good one to replace the crappy eliptical we currently have...well it works but makes a very loud "clanking" noise that we can't fix. It is sooo annoying....hahaha

    @mlek..that is funny about your dogs, my 2 dogs used to act funny when I would work out too but have gotton used to it. Now they just lay in the corner which is good cause they know to stay out of my way now....lol.

    Did another day of level 2 this morning :)

    Have a great Wednesday "hump day" everyone!
  • saydee3
    saydee3 Posts: 34 Member
    I have been so bad for the last few days. Work has been insane. I seriously need to fit in some workout tonight before I go to dinner. UGH!
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Did my level 2 this morning, I think I've really got the routine down pretty good now :)

    Last night I got on my (somewhat broken) elliptical for about 20 mins, I would've done longer but that's all I can take with it's skipping a beat/clankity clank, it is just annoying. My husband is trying to fix it today but if that doesn't do the trick this time (we've been this route before), we're gonna take it for a little "ride"....LOL. We've been trying to get a walk in each evening but it was raining last night.

    Have a great "baby Friday" (the day before Friday...lol) everyone!
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    well, i have had two "rest" days now....busy days at work and no workouts at home. I will do my level 2 6w6p tomorrow plus something else....elliptical, walk or other DVD....we shall see what kind of mood i'm in, lol

    Kat....I hear ya bout the clanking elliptical....ours does that when my husband is on it! & you are rockin' the workouts girl!!
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341

    Did my level 2 this morning. Will plan on another evening walk tonight :) Unless it rains or something strange, then I'll do my elliptical since I haven't tried it yet since the hubby fixed it.

    Have a great day everyone :happy:
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    well, felt very lethargic :yawn: today (thanks to day 1 of TOM:grumble:) so i wasn't too rambunctious on the elliptical ... but I did 45 mins.... aaaannnddd.... i did push myself to follow it with 6w6p :tongue: but I did level1 instead of my intended level2 :ohwell:

    but when i do these workouts I think back to when i first started 30ds over a year ago and struggled with plank jacks:sad:! now i bust 'em out like nothing!! :drinker:
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    How are we all doing? Going into my 3rd week now of steady 6w6p workouts! I may be delusional but I think my lower abs might be a little tighter!!! How are you guys feeling?
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Did level 2 yesterday and this morning. Just got back inside from washing my car (2 hours of sweat), boy is it hot outside today! As if I'm not going to be punished enough this week in the evenings since my son starts football practice this week in this crazy heat. Will be packing a cooler full of water though....

    Shell, you're doing great! I'm sure with all these ab workouts your abs are getting tighter!

    Hope you all are having a great weekend :)
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    Level 1 done after a 45 min power walk in the HOT outdoors!!! Anybody able to do the diagonal get-ups? Like all the way up? I watch Basheera knocking those out like nothin and think she is not real, lol!
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Level 2 done this morning :happy: Gonna try to walk the track tonight during football practice.

    Shell, it's been a couple weeks since I did level 1, are the diagonal getups like the side planks, I can't quite remember. I do know the Basheera is like some kind of robot though.....lol

    Have a great Monday everyone!
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    yesterday was a rest day for me as I had a nice long/busy day at work...

    knocked out a quick level 2 already this morning since I woke up early...feels good to get it done and start the day right!

    Kat...the diag. get-ups are the "crunches" where you reach your opposite arm to opposite leg like a half pike (did that even make sense, lol)
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    I'm a little late today, did level 2 this morning. I was able to get my PM walk in yesterday at football practice, will do again tonight.

    Shell, I know which ones you're talking about now, those weren't too bad. I hadn't done them in a while though.

    I'll check in with you tomorrow :)
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Level 2 complete this morning. :)

    Since this is my last week of 6 wk/6 pk, I think I may do another round of the RI30 beginning next week since I already have that one and I really liked it. I'll let you know if I decide to go that route for sure though by Sunday :)

    Have a great day!
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    back to the routine today! NYC trip yesterday was all the activity I could do!! Left at 7am and didn't get back until 11pm. Ate too much, drank too much, lol....WALKED TOO MUCH!! haha!!! ...my feet and toes are sore!! hoping they are up for the challenge of those plank jacks and mountain climbers today!!! Need to rehydrate a tad before I get going with it though so I'll be checking in again later...time to clean up for the arrival of my parents who are coming into town today....
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Level 2 done this AM. I've been managing to walk in the evenings with the hubby at football practice about 2.5 miles. Glad you had a nice time in NYC shell :)

    This must be family weekend, my nephew is coming this evening to spend the weekend with us :)

    Have a great day today!
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    knocked out lev 2 this am before getting ready to leave for vacation....then threw the DVD and my handweight into my bag! Hopin' to stick to somewhat of a routine while also enjoying the beach!
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    I actually took "the day off" today for the very first time. Got my nephew visiting for the weekend so just been trying to entertain him and my son :) I did do level 2 yesterday morning but didn't check in here. I'll plan on doing it Sunday morning though but starting on Monday I plan on starting another round of RI30.

    Have a great time at the beach Shell :)
  • emanismom
    emanismom Posts: 27 Member
    Hello Everyone. I'm new here but had a question. I JUST picked up 30ds and was on the fence about getting 6w6p. I am new at exercising and wanted to know if this sounds good. I have a 10 min workout I like to do in the morning and was thinking of doing 30ds in the evening. After the 30 days (fingers crossed) I will get the 6w6p and concentrate on that in the evening (keeping 10 min in the morn). Am I being too ambitious as a beginner? Help please, I have 80 to go.
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    Thanks Kat!! Got a great walk in this morning...walking fast in loose sand is very difficult, lol. My legs are tie-urd!! haha!! I may squeeze in a level 1 later this afternoon (there might be a storm rollin thru) So how do you feel over-all about the whole 6 weeks completed now? Do you see/feel a difference in your core?

    @emanismom....i think once you get thru 30ds you will be up for anything, lol. Seriously though, it is a good workout to get you started into more intense things. 6w6p is still very intense as far as cardio goes. There are a lot of plank moves that I was not able to do without doing the modified versions of when I first did 30ds...Like 'plank jacks' and 'mountain climbers' ... also doing 'burpees' and 'high knees' keeping your HR up. Just keep in mind that as long as your moving your doing fine. I don't always stay on the same pace as her, but i'm always doing the moves with good form and doing them for the same amount of time...and can now do the advanced version of most. HTH
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Hello Everyone. I'm new here but had a question. I JUST picked up 30ds and was on the fence about getting 6w6p. I am new at exercising and wanted to know if this sounds good. I have a 10 min workout I like to do in the morning and was thinking of doing 30ds in the evening. After the 30 days (fingers crossed) I will get the 6w6p and concentrate on that in the evening (keeping 10 min in the morn). Am I being too ambitious as a beginner? Help please, I have 80 to go.

    I started with 30DS myself and stuck with it the whole 30 days. As long as you stick with it, work through the initial "soreness" you may feel the first couple days you will see results at the end. It is a great all over workout. I agree with shellgib, 6 wk/6 pk is also a great workout, you see results not only in your abs but all over as well. Good luck!

    @ shell, I do think my core is stronger now (although after doing a couple of her other workouts before this one helped also). I can see a difference in the mirror...lol. :) I weighed in yesterday and I only have 7 more lbs. to go, yay! I'm wondering though if once I get there I may decide to go about 3 more lbs. just to have a "cushion"....lol. Enjoy the beach!

    Did level 2 this morning followed by 20 mins on the elliptical.