Looking for friends to do this with

Hello, I've just joined and would like to find someone to do this with to stay on track, so please add me? :)


  • kkerriee24
    kkerriee24 Posts: 6 Member
    Im not sure how to add friends.. i am brand new!
  • lcsmaling
    lcsmaling Posts: 7 Member
    edited November 2017
    I just figured out how to add friends!

    You go to the Friends tab on the main screen first. There is a plus sign + in the upper right corner of the screen. Press this button and it will take you to another prompt to either add friends from your contacts, Facebook or this App. Chose the bottom button for this App and another screen will pop up where you have to input the username or email of a MFP member you want to friend.

    After you fill in the MFP future friend's name, the screen will prompt you to enter your own name and a message if you wish. Then press the send arrow and a friend request will be sent. I hope this makes sense and helps you.
  • MeechyLA
    MeechyLA Posts: 159 Member