Supersize VS. Superskinny



  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    I love this show

    Yes they do swap for the first week but its to shock you into seeing how bad both sides are because most epople would only think the fat person was bad.

    Usually the people have very successful stories after

    Like the fat person says actually i realised I didn't have to eat so much and the thin person gets over their usually fussy eating
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    I've seen this show several times. The idea is to shock both of them & wake them up to how unhealthy their eating habits are. The overweight person has to sit there & watch while somebody basically throws up trying to eat so much, & the skinny person has to sit there & watch while somebody basically begs for more food. It's for shock value, and obviously not meant to be done long-term. I'm positive that if the overweight person was looking ill from lack of food that they would be allowed to eat more.
  • msblueyes5
    msblueyes5 Posts: 126 Member
    I love this show..

    I think the point of swapping the diets is for the other person to watch another person eat what they are used to consuming. The person with the large portion sizes has to watch someone else feel sick to their stomach trying to consume all the food they are used to eating. They realize, "Ohh my goodness, I can't believe how much food I'm eating..." While the underweight person watches the other person barely get anything in them, seeing how hungry they are and how unhealthy it is to under eat. They realize that in order to be healthy, they have to eat more or else their health is going to deteriorate.

    Both participates are forced to focus on what they are eating and why. They realize what life events impacted their eating habits and hopefully are encouraged to get over whatever is holding them back in life.

    I completely get what your saying, I mean I definetly understand the concept of the show, but most people that overeat/undereat on a regular basis know that they are being unhealthy. And if this would end up solving their issues with food I feel we would have alot more healthy people in this world. The issues with food is more a mental thing not physical so I think most will revert back to their old ways. Most, not all but most.
  • msblueyes5
    msblueyes5 Posts: 126 Member
    I have recently discovered this show too and have been watching it on YouTube... Actually more like 'devouring every episode' of it lol.

    I would have to say that despite the "shock" tactics used, usually both participants come away with a much better attitude and understanding of the damage they had been doing to themselves and their bodies. I think that as long as it is medically supervised and they get the real message of the program, it isn't hurting anyone. As has been mentioned - they know what they signed up for!

    I do wish that they would focus a little more on what the healthy eating programs they send them home with are like, and maybe give us some info on whether they are being supported between the initial week of filming and the end of show 'return weigh in', though. I'd like to think they don't just hand the participants a slip of paper detailing a list complicated recipes that they may have no idea how to prepare or enjoy! I think it would also be great if they could do a "how did they go" show a few more months down the road to see if they kept up the good habits.

    I'm yet to see a bad result for the participants though, so they must be doing something right! And if it encourages people to look at the health aspects of eating/diet rather than just the number on the scales, I'm all for it :)

    I also like that they talk about some eating disorders and the implications, as well as the implications of being obese (via personal messages to the overweight participants from morbidly obese individuals with severe health and personal problems stemming from their weight.

    I would definetly love to see a "3months down the road" part of the show at the end
  • msblueyes5
    msblueyes5 Posts: 126 Member
    I've seen this show several times. The idea is to shock both of them & wake them up to how unhealthy their eating habits are. The overweight person has to sit there & watch while somebody basically throws up trying to eat so much, & the skinny person has to sit there & watch while somebody basically begs for more food. It's for shock value, and obviously not meant to be done long-term. I'm positive that if the overweight person was looking ill from lack of food that they would be allowed to eat more.

    I get the concept but I still don't agree with it.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    That's really disturbing.
  • Joisgettingfit
    Joisgettingfit Posts: 160 Member
    I would definetly love to see a "3months down the road" part of the show at the end

    They actually do a follow up on previous contestants from the last series at the end of the next one so at the end of series 2 there was a follow up about 4 people who'd been on the show from series 1. I think for the most part they'd actually stuck to the diets they'd been given, I haven't watched supersize vs superskinny in a while so I can't really remember but those episodes are all on 4od anyway.
  • msblueyes5
    msblueyes5 Posts: 126 Member
    I would definetly love to see a "3months down the road" part of the show at the end

    They actually do a follow up on previous contestants from the last series at the end of the next one so at the end of series 2 there was a follow up about 4 people who'd been on the show from series 1. I think for the most part they'd actually stuck to the diets they'd been given, I haven't watched supersize vs superskinny in a while so I can't really remember but those episodes are all on 4od anyway.

    Oh really! Nice! This was the first show I have seen of it. I might watch it more if I see it on.
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    Meh.. I want brit tv so I can watch this show :sad:
  • This sounds like it is really extreme but the show would probably not have enough viewers if it was normal. But I would watch it! I think they should also throw in a healthy person for a second week to show both of them how to become healthier! What network is it aired on? I want to watch it!
  • msblueyes5
    msblueyes5 Posts: 126 Member
    Meh.. I want brit tv so I can watch this show :sad:

    I live in the US and it was on!! Ill have to find out what channel and let you know because I forgot!
  • msblueyes5
    msblueyes5 Posts: 126 Member
    This sounds like it is really extreme but the show would probably not have enough viewers if it was normal. But I would watch it! I think they should also throw in a healthy person for a second week to show both of them how to become healthier! What network is it aired on? I want to watch it!

    Ya thats definetly true..Thats why is sucked me in lol..I just wanted to hear peoples take on it...I forget what network it was on but I have it DVRed so I will have to check and let you know!