"WeLosersWin" Closed



    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    You can go to the exercise database and use calisthenics to do a search. You may need to create your own.

    Captain Crsticare - I sent you a PM so you should have my weekend info. I generally will not post Friday/Saturday since I'm tethered to this thing M-F. I could do it on my droid but usually log into my food diary only.

    Great weekend! Tons of family fun and good exercise. It's nice meeting each of you. I look forward to getting to know you all.
  • MarysFit
    Monday 8/1
    Recumbent bike - 5.8 mi
    Rowing machine - 1.2 mi
    Total - 7 mi
    Crunches - 50
    Under calories - don't have food under control yet

    POINTS = 75?
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    Didnt meet my under calories, sorry ladies... I am coming down with something and my asthma is acting up so I didnt walk either.. NO WORKOUT for me yesterday ladies sorry again.

    I am aiming for more than none today I will keep you updated!! :flowerforyou:

    @MarysFit- how do you calculate your calories burned on the recumbent bike?? I just got one so wanted to make sure I started off right.

    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Nutrition - Under Calories - yes
    Exercise - 50 crunches - yes
    MILES - 3

    Have a great day ladies!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Nutrition - 16 cups of water- yes
    Exercise - windshield wipers- yes
    MILES - 6

    Anybody else with me here?
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    Nutrition: 16 cups of water- yes
    Exercise: windsheil wipers- nope

  • Hartach
    Hartach Posts: 18
    I didn't log anything on Tuesday. I'll try to do better today. I've been busy with somebody that is VERY important to me. And for that I'm grateful! How is our team doing?
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Looks like we are in 7th place. It might be motivating to set a weekly group goal? Maybe we could shoot for so many miles per week as a group?

    I will be on vacation next week but plan on logging in daily. We'll be biking & hiking in Acadia National Park so I'm hopeful that I'll get many miles in and be able to keep my meals in check (for the most part - it is vacation after all!) :happy:

    I reached my goal of releasing 2lbs before vacation. I write my goal weight on the inside of my wrist as a reminder - tee hee - it works for me. Does anyone else have any quirky little things they do to motivate themselves?
  • MarysFit
    Tuesday 8/2
    Recumbent bike - 5 mi
    Windmills - I'd say yes. I did an hour of strength training.
    Water - No

    Salmat77: I use the recumbent bike at the Y. It calculates calories for you. I'm not tracking calories. Working out is taking all my emotional energy right now.
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    7th place isnt bad, but we can do better ladies, lets step it up!! I DEF NEED TO DO THAT!!

    @MarysFit- Thanks I should really invest in a watch or something that will do it for me.

    @RENAEJAE- have fun on vacay and be safe!! Congrats on the goal!!
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    Writing the goal on the inside of the wrist is awesome, I may try that!! Thanks for the suggestion!!
  • Hartach
    Hartach Posts: 18
    Alright girls, I am off to babysit (which should def count as a calorie burner) then off to the gym. With panic attacks I don't always do very well at the gym. Especially alone.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Nutrition - under sodium - yes - Way under!!! which is unusual for me!
    Exercise - woodchops- yes
    MILES - 8 (nice bike ride last night with my 14yr old)

    It's Thirsty Thursday - so drink up ladies!
  • MarysFit
    Rest day for me.
  • ChristiCare
    ChristiCare Posts: 179 Member
    I'm with you. most of my excise comes from swimming, but i can go hit the bikes also. I am not much for riding so I am not sure what a logical amount would be. How about you choose the distance see you are a rider, lol. I will put forth the effort to what you think is good....let us know
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    Nutrition - Under Sodium
    Exercise - 50 Woodchops (25 on each side)

    Nutrition- NOPE AGAIN

    2 MILES

    tried to do the woodchops but only could do 10 on each side successfully.
  • ChristiCare
    ChristiCare Posts: 179 Member
    Message from the head boss:
    Hi there,
    I wanted to follow up with everyone and see how you all thought this week went for the challenge. How does everyone feel about the points system? I've had a couple suggestions that the method of calculating points isn't entirely fair. I don't want anyone to feel that they're being short changed because of the way the points are calculated. If this is a common feeling throughout players, maybe a more fair way to calculate points is to go by calories burned? X calories burned = 10 points? And then we could keep the nutrition/exercise challenges at their current point values?

    Speaking of the nutrition/exercise challenges - how did everyone feel they went this week? Were they too difficult? Not difficult enough? Anyone have any suggestions for other exercises we can do? This week, I focused on abs. Maybe next week, we can focus on another area.

    I want to make sure that everyone remains motivated and on board!

    Also, one last thing - does anyone have any team members that are not participating?? Please let me know. I want to be sure that everyone is on a level playing field.

    Thanks all! I look forward to all of your feedback!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Nutrition - under calories - yes
    Exercise - crunches- yes
    MILES - 4.25
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I think the challenges are fine. No problem with tracking miles. I've tracked calories burned before and it's harder. Some of us use MFP while others use a HRM.

    Make it a great day girls!
  • MarysFit
    Crunches - Yes
    1hour of Yoga

    Crsticare - I do 30 min on the rec bike at level 1 [I started with 10 min] and that gets me 5+ miles.

    About the points system. . .
    Because I have knee pain, and I get bored easily, and I want total body fitness, I have to do a variety of workouts. Many of them, like yoga and strength training do not have a "distance." Also, I can do 2 miles in 10 min on the rec bike, but only .3 miles on the elliptical. I don't track food calories, but exercise calories shouldn't be too difficult. I'm ok with making a ballpark estimate of calories burned.