Husband calorie intake should be ?

My husband just started working out hes 5 ft 3 inches 24 years old and 132lbs. He'd like to gain some weight to get a bit more cut and I was just wondering approximately how many calories should my husband be consuming?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    put his stats into MFP
  • BrookeRunningMom
    BrookeRunningMom Posts: 156 Member
    Just did hahahah thank you. It says 2860
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    1117429 wrote: »
    Just did hahahah thank you. It says 2860

    job done!
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited November 2017
    Good morning! Like I like to do.....put these numbers into a TDEE calculator. Here is what I get for a 24yo male who is 5'3" @ 132 lbs:

    Basal Metabolic Rate 1,484 calories per day
    Sedentary 1,781 calories per day
    Light Exercise 2,040 calories per day
    Moderate Exercise 2,300 calories per day
    Heavy Exercise 2,560 calories per day
    Athlete 2,819 calories per day

    These numbers are based on a generic formula and should be used as a starting point. Let me repeat that: the above numbers are based on a generic formula and should be used as a starting point. He will need to find his maintenance numbers by playing with the above.

    Please keep in mind that these numbers - in addition to being generic - are maintenance numbers. So, cutting would require you to be in a caloric deficit which would mean that you would need to go lower than the above and bulking (let's just call what he is doing 'bulking') would require a caloric surplus which would mean that he would need to go higher than the above.

    To gain one pound one generally needs to consume 500 calories a day (or, 3,500 calories a week) more than maintenance. And, to loose one pound, one generally needs to consume 500 calories (or, 3,500 calories a week) less than maintenance.

    Please note that TDEE Calculators, just to be completely thorough, are the amount of calories for maintenance. In other words, you do not need to eat your exercise calories back (well, some percentage of them; most go with 50% - 75%). MFP does have you doing that.....not the case with the numbers from an on-line TDEE Calculator.
  • pmm3437
    pmm3437 Posts: 529 Member
    edited November 2017
    If hes trying to lean bulk, he should be eating high protein, and with a caloric surplus of 6-12% of his TDEE. ( you said hes working out, trying to gain weight, and cut )

    If hes trying to do a traditional bulk, he can eat at a higher surplus, but should expect to not gain additional definition, as he will gain both muscle and fat. How much higher will be based on his goal add each week.

    If he is trying to cut, he should be at a deficit. Considering he is already within his ideal weight range, should be careful about how much lower he tries to go, and how fast.

    Might be better served by starting a long term recomp; that requires eating @ maintenance.
  • yskaldir
    yskaldir Posts: 202 Member
    1117429 wrote: »
    Just did hahahah thank you. It says 2860

    2860 for a guy weighing 132 pounds?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    yskaldir wrote: »
    1117429 wrote: »
    Just did hahahah thank you. It says 2860

    2860 for a guy weighing 132 pounds?

    He's trying to gain weight...

    If he has a relatively active job and is working out, that would be about right to "clean bulk"
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Moderate Exercise 2,300 calories per day

    That is maintenance. So, if one adds the usual 500 calories to it, then one sees the 2800 Calories. A clean bulk would be a little bit less....but, keep in mind that this above is from a TDEE Calculator, and we all know that those are just starting points.......everyone needs to play with nutrition for a few weeks to see what their individual numbers are.

    But, yes - the 2800 number passes - for me, anyway - the smell test.
  • BrookeRunningMom
    BrookeRunningMom Posts: 156 Member
    Lean59man wrote: »
    Is he a good husband or do you want to punish him?

  • BrookeRunningMom
    BrookeRunningMom Posts: 156 Member
    yskaldir wrote: »
    1117429 wrote: »
    Just did hahahah thank you. It says 2860

    2860 for a guy weighing 132 pounds?

    Thats what the app said not me
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Maybe, maybe not. It passes my smell test.