Hi I'm new. Need support!! :)

Hello!! I'm Elizabeth, I'm 24, and I'm new here! Been struggling with my weight for years while now. Been battling PCOS for years, and a recent lupus & rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis and loosing weight is almost impossible for me. But I am determined to do so. Hopefully counting calories for me will be successful, like I said I need support so if any kind people would like to chat and share encouragement, I will also share back :) feel free to say hello! Have an awesome day everyone!


  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Welcome Elizabeth, if you need any help with MFP or diary drop a message. I would advise you log everything you eat and drink and put all your stats in MFP so that it will generate your daily calorie allowance, that way you can ensure you stay within your allowance and get a desired result, good luck
  • Luya86
    Luya86 Posts: 5 Member
    Hiya, welcome to myfitnesspal Liz. Trust me, you'll definitely get to your goal if you follow what is recommended for you. When I started counting calories in 2013, I was loosing every week but then I stopped due to pregnancy and never went back. Now, I've decided to get back into shape and I joined a gym nearby.

    I must say it's a long journey but with determination and support, we will all get there. #tips: log in everything you eat and don't cheat because you are not cheating anyone but you, go for lean meat, chicken breast or turkey breast with no oil but spray olive oil cooking spray when frying, eat wholemeal food to keep you full, snack with one serving of fruit or teaspoon of low sugar peanut butter. To stay active and fit, drink black coffee with no sugar every morning and do at least 20 minutes of exercise everyday, don't forget to drink at least 2 litres of water everyday.

    Goodluck baby girl, I got your back.

  • zombikitten
    zombikitten Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome! I'm relatively new as well. I used to use the app religiously, and then I definitely slacked. But I'm back and would love support, as well as to help support others
  • debbiezag
    debbiezag Posts: 32 Member
    welcome! I'm back at it too after baby - friend me!
  • denja70
    denja70 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I've been using Garcinia Cambogia (60% HCA) supplement combined with Swisse Hunger Control and/or EVL Lean Mode seems to be working for me. Give it a try, I've loss 4kg in the last 5 weeks, they seem to help cravings for junk food
  • CurvaciousKeda
    CurvaciousKeda Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome Liz, I'd be happy to help support you morally throughout your journey. I recently redowloades the app myself. I've got a whopping 90 lbs to lose and no one around me seems to get it. Feel free to friend me. I'm a listening ear
  • cashmama21
    cashmama21 Posts: 7 Member
    edited November 2017
    Thanks guys, you all seem so helpful and nice!! If i dont reply to everyone its because im learning how to use this site HA! Good luck to everyone, and again thank you for the helpful tips! OOH, and is there a way to look up recipes here?
  • RunnerWoman83
    RunnerWoman83 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! I’d like to be friends ! I have health issues that make it very difficult for me to loose weight as well. Add me if you want to ! Go to community then recipes !
  • NoRounds
    NoRounds Posts: 4 Member
    Weight issues and other disease conditions are often rooted in early traumas. These unresolved traumas tend to self-sabotage a person's weight loss efforts.
  • NoRounds
    NoRounds Posts: 4 Member
    denja70 wrote: »
    Hi, I've been using Garcinia Cambogia (60% HCA) supplement combined with Swisse Hunger Control and/or EVL Lean Mode seems to be working for me. Give it a try, I've loss 4kg in the last 5 weeks, they seem to help cravings for junk food

    Careful with garcinia because there are good scientific reasons to conclude garcinia is not safe as virtually everyone claims but that it increases the risk of diabetes --- see https://www.supplements-and-health.com/garcinia-cambogia-side-effects.html
  • AlinaDonos
    AlinaDonos Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome! I'm relatively new as well. I used to use the app religiously, and then I definitely slacked. But I'm back and would love support, as well as to help support others

    I did the same thing. I used to log in daily and keep a rigorous track of my meals, exercises and water. Then, after seeing some results, I just quit... Of course I gained back the weight, so now I decided to start over, but this time, do it right!
  • Yfsmith52
    Yfsmith52 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello I am a newbie too and really need help using this app and a message board for help. I really need to lose about 50 pounds for health reasons and also to look good in my clothes and I really want this to work. I have many tools and resources at my disposal but what I need is to be able to stick to this commitment long enough to reach my goal.
  • cashmama21
    cashmama21 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm blown away at how many "friends" I have made on here already that are offering a kind word of encouragement! Only been in here 3 days and I love it. Really helps you see what your eating!! Thanks for the responses guys!!
  • fitsarahxoxoxo
    fitsarahxoxoxo Posts: 14 Member
    You sound awesome so I added you :) Good luck!
  • naomiday85
    naomiday85 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks, I’m a bit crackers but aren’t we all. Determined to shift this last bit of weight. Any advice is welcome
  • naomiday85
    naomiday85 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks everyone, hopefully this isn’t too much like the blind leading the blind and we help each other through this. I’ve done tracking before and absolutely swear by it but I became a bit slack with it hence why I’m back... I will brag that even though I’ve slacked my weight has stayed the same for the past 3 months at least! Literally not moved
  • Graymanstole
    Graymanstole Posts: 257 Member
    Advice: This is going to take a lot of time and you will get discouraged by what seems like a ton of different things. Do Not Give Up! There will be weeks where you exercise, eat right, drink water, do everything right and you will gain weight. Just remember the scale is only telling you how much gravity is affecting you right at that moment, it is only a number. You'll have weeks when nothing goes right. You'll want to quit. Do. Not. Give. Up! All it takes is seeing clothes that fit you tightly start to get a bit loose, or notching your belt a litter tighter to make you feel like a king/queen of the world. All you have to do to get there is Do! Not! Give! Up!

    Advice: Buy a food scale. I've gotten much better results weighing my food that I have weighing myself. It's always best to know EXACTLY what you're eating, and if you've ever seen how little a single serving of pasta (2oz) is, it's awful easy to realize why I ballooned to over 250+ lbs. Weigh everything, log everything, be honest. We've all slipped up and ate an entire bag of Doritos when we only meant to eat a serving, don't be embarrassed. If you hide it/don't log it you're only lying to yourself. We'll never know you did it, but you'll never get the results you want if you look through your diary and think 'why am I not losing weight' if you aren't honest in your logging.

    Advice: This is probably the most important piece of advice I can give you...this entire journey is about making progress, not about being perfect. You'll fall, you'll slide backwards, you'll cry, be frustrated and angry. Keep signing on here, keep logging your food, keep telling yourself "It's all about the progress, not about perfection". And of course: DO NOT GIVE UP!!

    Encouragement: I am not good at encouragement, but I will leave you with something a friend of mine told me not too long ago - "Losing weight was so much easier when I was in my 40's than it is now that I'm in my 50's". No matter how hard it is now, it will get harder if you put it off. Best of luck to all, my prayers and thoughts are with you.
  • katiey1123
    katiey1123 Posts: 74 Member
    denja70 wrote: »
    Hi, I've been using Garcinia Cambogia (60% HCA) supplement combined with Swisse Hunger Control and/or EVL Lean Mode seems to be working for me. Give it a try, I've loss 4kg in the last 5 weeks, they seem to help cravings for junk food
    denja70 wrote: »
    Hi, I've been using Garcinia Cambogia (60% HCA) supplement combined with Swisse Hunger Control and/or EVL Lean Mode seems to be working for me. Give it a try, I've loss 4kg in the last 5 weeks, they seem to help cravings for junk food

    Hi!! Awesome weight loss and thanks for sharing :) Can you tell me more about Swisse Hunger Control and the EVL Lean Mode? Are they both tablets? How do you take them daily (timing/with food/before food)? Please do tell me!!

    Btw, which Garcinia supplements have you been using? I mean does it have brand name or is it called Garcinia Camobogia? Thanks!
  • KristiRhea
    KristiRhea Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome! I'm also fighting Rheumatoid Arthritis and I'm winning! It's been a long and difficult road so far, I'm not going to lie about that, but you can do it!

    I personally have had to cut out sugar, dairy and caffeine. I take several supplements including magnesium, krill oil, glucosamine and ginger root. After a recent flare-up, I've decided to get back into yoga to keep my joints moving. Sometimes they lock up and I have to go to the chiropractor, but I'm usually able to keep it under control with nutrition and exercise.

    Please feel free to friend me! Us autoimmune sufferers gotta stick together! Good luck to you, and remember to be gentle with yourself. <3

  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Hi! I also have lupus, as well as diabetes. Lupus can make weight loss tricky, in fact a lupus flare is what caused me to give up last time I had a major weight loss. But I've been doing well this time around, I'm down over 100 lbs in a year.

    Autoimmune conditions can sure make it difficult to be active! But the more active you are, the more you will be able to do. It's a use it or lose it situation. I depend on my stationary bike, because I can adjust my intensity to my needs on any given day, it doesn't hurt my joints, and there's no excuse not to use it because of the weather. Dancing to fun music is another thing which keeps me going during flares.

    Wishing you many good days!