Hi I am new

quikpetite Posts: 7
edited 5:55PM in Introduce Yourself
I am trying to lose thirty pounds as quick as I can, however, I do not want to do a drastic diet because I know I will not maintain that forever. I never had issue with weight until two years ago when I stopped smoking. It just piled on. I am losing a little, I have begun running or eliptical. Do you have any suggestions to lose this weight fast?? I am getting so depressed.


  • The basics of weight loss is to burn more calories than you take in. This site really helps with calorie intake, you dont realize how much you actually eat and how easy it is to exceed the days caloric requirements.
  • KateBarnhart85
    KateBarnhart85 Posts: 125 Member
    My husband and I just recently quit smoking too, and just joined this site about a month ago, so far I have 9lbs and he is a little over 10lbs I think. You can eat whatever you want its just the calories you have to watch really, and try to burn as many calories as you can, and if you don't have time to work out for long periods of times just do short exercises that burn a lot of calories... now these are all just my own assumptions here because thats what I do. My aunt is Mamawarrior and she has dropped a lot of weight using this site if you would like to add her just tell her I sent ya.
  • I lost 50 lbs in 5 months. If you do the treadmill you should do intervals on it. Start off at an easy pace for a few minutes then raise it up to a run for a minute or however long you can do it. Go back down to the easier pace...then up for a minute or so again. Repeat for 20 minutes or so and you will burn as many calories as doing 45 minutes steady on the treadmill. I also suggest using an exercise bike or arc trainer the same fashion. Good Luck
  • wow! Great job!! I just started doing intervals on my eliptical, it is 500 cal burn in 30 minutes. I hope I can drop this quick,
  • wow! Great job!! I just started doing intervals on my eliptical, it is 500 cal burn in 30 minutes. I hope I can drop this quick,

    WOW...500 calorie burn in 30 minutes? I have got to cross over to that machine!
  • I sweat sooooo much it is horrifying lol. I take big thing of water to my basement, pandora, and imagine myself even better shape than before.:smile:
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