Anyone struggling for 5+ years to lose 30lbs?

So I've been doing some deep contemplation and I've taken a long look at my journey of health and wellness. I kept my weight down in the past by walking daily in my neighborhood. I walked pregnant, walked my babies in strollers and now that I'm headed towards my mid 40s the weight is creeping on. One thing that I no longer do is walk outside. I used to walk when I felt safe in my neighborhood and now I don't any longer. I've joined gyms also but I get to a gym about 2-3x a week and that's it. It doesn't help that I have an ALL OR NOTING attitude either which I have learned is more than likely my downfall. I am beyond frustrated and I know something must change before I get into my 50s when I know it will be even harder to get to where I was before I had my children. I am feeling highly frustrated and unmotivated.


  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Exercise really has very little to do with weight loss. Weight loss occurs when you eat less calories than you burn. If you haven't lost weight, you're eating too much.

    Get yourself a food scale, figure out how many calories you need to eat per day to lose about 0.5 pounds a week, weigh and measure everything you eat, and do that.
  • sapphiretyger
    sapphiretyger Posts: 79 Member
    I have struggled for the past 5 years to initially take off 20, then 30, then 40, then 50, pounds. Now I am up to 60. It seems to increase every year, as I think about it. I will be diligent about tracking calories, daily workouts, etc. for a few months, and get discouraged because I am not losing either fast enough or at all, and I fall off for a few months. I then gain still more weight, which is why every year the amount I need to lose seems to increase. It's very discouraging that I work so hard and lose only a couple pounds in a 6-month period of time, but when I stop working so hard, I gain 10 pounds in the same amount of time! I have noticed this since turning 50, so I do think age is part of it.
  • paticksmama07
    paticksmama07 Posts: 49 Member
    sapphiretyger I'm so sorry you are experiencing such difficulty have you tried other programs such as weight watchers?