Hey Everyone! I need HELP!

Hey everyone-
I am new to MyFitnessPal. A friend of mine told me to use it--she loves it!! So I am giving it a try! I currently would like to lose 30 lbs!! I eat very healthy and workout--but I can't seem to drop it..If anyone would like to help--it'd be greatly appreciative..Accountability is key! :)
Message me or friend me so we can all help eachother reach our goals!


  • I just joined for similar reasons. Would love to share support!!
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    I've been around a while and would be happy to support you both
  • LCardo24
    LCardo24 Posts: 56
    You've come to the right place! I think the Food log will really help. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Hey Ashley,

    I wouldn't mind helping if you would like. I love working out, but never knew the whole calorie thing. I do not do a lot of cardio, but I do a lot of fast circuit training. Remember if you workout, and you don't see results right away in the weight change it is probably because your muscles are getting bigger. Which will make your weight even go up sometimes, so don't be discouraged. Also you said you are eating healthy, but how big are the portions? Let me know if you would like help. You can also make sure I get into the gym. I'm notorious for talking myself out of it.

    Matt G.
  • YOU can and will do it......:) add me as friend I think as many motivators make light weight..Lol
  • tobybear
    tobybear Posts: 109
    The food log has DEFINITELY helped me.

    Feel free to friend me too. anyone can if they want.
  • PS if any one wants to add me as friend would be great as need the push ...urgh so to speak..Lol
  • Dont do the same thing for more than two or three weeks because then your body hits a plataeu it gets used to it and stops dropping weight change it so you dont hit the plataeu
  • Hey there.. I am new to the site as well. I have been on my diet aka "90 Day Challenge" with ViSalus for almost 4 weeks.. down 17ish pounds.. (not bad).. I am drinking two shakes a day and take my vitamins..

    I am eating a healthy dinner and on the days it is possible before 7pm. I am consuming more water than I used to.. I have completely given up my Mountain Dew and trying to give up coffee.. I am down to about 4 cups per week instead of 2 per day.

    I am 44, 5 ft 2 and 210lbs. I broke my feet 2.6 yrs ago in an accident and between the steroids, being sedentary (basically unable to walk for a year), I am slowly healing and walking with little pain. I used to run 3 miles several times per week to stay at an ideal weight. (or the weight, I thought I looked best at.

    Snacks have been raw almonds or 100 calorie yogurt packs with the cookie crumbles in the lid! (slowly starting to like yogurt) lol...

    Well, this is my story and I am sticking to it... I know this is going to take time, but I am up for the Challenge.. I am not alone.. I have 4 friends doing the Challenge with me. We all live in different states now, so it's harder but we are taking pictures of our shakes in the morning for accountability purposes.. lol~ We all know we are bound to cheat and relapse.. after all "We are only Human" right?

    I have kept my food log daily for 3 weeks now.. that is my AT HOME ACCOUNTABILITY... makes me THINK before I put it in my mouth because I know I have to write it down.

    Wish you the best.. ~ Dayna in NC
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I suggest that you log a week or a few days of food and exercise, you'd be surprised what you discover when you start writing it down. Get out that kitchen scale, measuring cups, and heart rate monitor and plug away! I really thought I was doing everything right until I joined, logged, and realized I was totally off of where I thought I'd be.
  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    We could help each other. U could do it