Keto buddies

Hi all! I've been following keto for about 9 months. I was really good at first and then summer rolled around and I cheated way too much. Since then, I've had a good amount if stress in my life that has totally broken my motivation. I'm looking to get back on the horse and find friends who also need motivation, support, and want to swap recipes and tips.


  • keto_strong
    keto_strong Posts: 32 Member
    Definitely one of the disadvantages of keto is not being able to cheat without getting kicked out of ketosis and needing to start all over again. I've finally figured out it just isn't worth it! Would love to have a motivation buddy. I've only been keto for a month and just hit the elusive keto energy haha My workouts are finally back to where they were. So glad I stuck it out!
  • purrr9
    purrr9 Posts: 5 Member
    added you both, always looking for keto buddies!
  • MountainMinimizer
    MountainMinimizer Posts: 23 Member
    I am interested in learning the keep way. I am realizing alit of what I would cut out are things causing me headaches and fatigue and such. I am wondering how long it will take tovfeek the keto energy. Been on MFP a few years, never consistently, and always heavier than the last time I checked in. I think I need some buddies.
  • guninhandbag
    guninhandbag Posts: 5 Member
    Same here! I thought summer would be easier but I gained half of my kids back. Trying to get back in to it.
  • slimsazzle
    slimsazzle Posts: 3 Member
    What is keto please ?
  • ktwebb25
    ktwebb25 Posts: 135 Member
    I have been in Keto for about a month as well, could always use keto buddies ! :)
  • KolleenS
    KolleenS Posts: 33 Member
    Keto vegetarian here. Feel free to add me!
  • verybusybee
    verybusybee Posts: 131 Member
    Started Keto last week. Losing but don't think I have hit ketosis. The more the merrier though. You can all feel free to add me.

    @slimsazzle Keto is a process where your body learns to burn fat instead of carbs. It's call ketosis. The easiest and quickest way to explain it would be atkins only better and longer. Basically low carbs (under 20gm a day in net carbs) and high fat. You get a lot of your carbs through leafy greens etc and can eat almost any kind of meat.
    As you get further into the diet you can make your own breads etc with almond and coconut flour. You are also cutting down on sugars.
  • Aqualang26
    Aqualang26 Posts: 149 Member
    Hey! I've been keto 3 months and I'm loving it. Would love more friends who are on the journey to healthy!
  • christianladybug
    christianladybug Posts: 41 Member
    Just started Keto would like some friends doing the same thing
  • lizking100
    lizking100 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m looking to start keto Jan 1, so I’m doing my homework now. Can anyone recommend a legit keto calculator? I have no idea what my macros should be. I’ve done a few online calculators and gotten totally different results! And they all ask me questions I don’t know the answer to! Like “what percent body fat are you?” And I’m like I have no idea!!!!
  • iambreesmith
    iambreesmith Posts: 2 Member
    lizking100 wrote: »
    I’m looking to start keto Jan 1, so I’m doing my homework now. Can anyone recommend a legit keto calculator? I have no idea what my macros should be. I’ve done a few online calculators and gotten totally different results! And they all ask me questions I don’t know the answer to! Like “what percent body fat are you?” And I’m like I have no idea!!!!
    That is the recommended calculator. Judge body fat by photo comparison if you don't have a device to measure with! They have linked a page of comparison photos on the website!
  • ZodFit
    ZodFit Posts: 394 Member
    Attempting keto again. I always end up binging carbs around day 5-9. Am I neglecting something or is foggyness and carb craving normal around these days.
  • amycro86
    amycro86 Posts: 5 Member
    Ok, this going to sound lame, but how do I add people?! I'm 4 days into keto and would love a bunch of people to chat with, keep up with, and keep me going.
  • Clovergirl82
    Clovergirl82 Posts: 13 Member
    I've been doing Keto for about 6 weeks now. I would love to make some friends who are also doing keto.
  • slimsazzle
    slimsazzle Posts: 3 Member
    So what foods should i completely cut out ? Can i eat no carbs at all ?
  • kelsjohnst
    kelsjohnst Posts: 54 Member
    I’m a Keto newbie but would love more Keto friends! Add me! I’m on day 11 and already down 9lbs. 71 to go!
  • dominiquedell
    dominiquedell Posts: 3 Member
    Hey girl! I’m on day 10 and down 7.4lbs!
  • mnalsa83
    mnalsa83 Posts: 181 Member
    Feel free to add. I've been low carb/keto since March. (Though I took June off due to softball travel & then September just the weekends) I've been struggling a little here and there this past month and could use some extra strength in numbers.
  • britesea123
    britesea123 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone! I've been on keto (casually- not worrying about macros, just cooking keto style) for 11 months now, and I've lost 55 pounds. I've started to see my weight stall out and decided I needed to get serious about following the macros now so I've got the calculators set up at MyFitness and we'll see how I do. Besides losing the weight, I've also seen my cholesterol numbers plummet (except the good one- that went up!) and my blood sugar is much lower. My A1C went from 8.0 in January to 6.4 a couple of weeks ago too. This is a fabulous way to lose weight!