New to this app, rather intermediate to fitness.

Hello everybody, I am Florin and I live in East Europe, Romania to be more precise. I began my fitness journey 2 years ago when I was looking like this -iw2kw26q56c9.jpeg
- and by looking at different yt channels and docummenting myself about it, I reached into this stage( Pic was taken 2 days ago) - bbqwwk4p9ard.jpeg

I am writing here because, over the last year my shape hasn’t changed at all. I’ve been in this shape since april 2016.
What I want right now is to try and get more cut, a thing I haven’t had much succes with. Could you guys give me some advices? I am 20 y/o, I am 1,93 m tall, I weight usually around 86-87 kgs and I wanna cut down to about 80-82. I go to the gym almost every day and I started going to the track field to workout with professional track runners, but my biggest fear is that I will shed too much and become much smaller, my goal is to keep as much mass as possible and getting shredded. Thank you for reading and I wait for your opinions, signed out.


  • shyarachinmay8
    shyarachinmay8 Posts: 10 Member
    I can't help you with cutting but nice transformation bro !
  • 4queen_t
    4queen_t Posts: 302 Member
    I use the Body for Life program (by: bill Phillips). Read the book many times. Still working on my goal this time around. But have had great results in the past. 5 to six small meals a day. Every 2 to 3 hours. 3 days of 20 minutes high intensity cardio, 3 days high intensity strength training, one cheat day(every week). The program works. I like to track on here cuz I can see what I'm doing. You definitely get shredded if you do it right. I'm getting close. I did the program when I was 32 and did awesome. I'm almost 41 now, but it definitely helps keep my body young and healthy. Good luck!