I need help NOT drinking! Need ACCOUNTABILITY friends!

So I've read all of the stuff I could find online about alcohol and its effects on your work out progress. I started drinking a lot more after an injury a year plus ago and basically have a few vodka drinks every night. Its helped me stop working out, get lazy, gain weight and feel like I failed.

I want to stop drinking all together because it doesn't serve me. Every time I do, I find an excuse to have another. I want to challenge myself, but I need some accountability.

I started going to the gym again this last Monday and have been every day except today, but I have been drinking still and it seem so counter productive. I really want to get back on top.

Feel free to share info, stories of overcoming, or just just join me on this personal challenge!


  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    I allow myself one day. I drank a lot after a breakup and it caused fighting with my son and almost destroying another relationship. I now am back in the gym several days a week and allow Saturday to have a few drinks and thats it. Baby steps is what I suggest.
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    PS. Read your on profile:

    About Me:
    I like people with a sense of humor and I hate excuses.

    Focus on what you hate :)
  • JennyRATL
    JennyRATL Posts: 199 Member
    edited November 2017

    Thread for accountability and support! Come join us! :)
    Some of us moderate our intake, some abstain altogether.
  • tuddy315
    tuddy315 Posts: 11,423 Member
    ^^^ Agree. Re-read your inspirations. You can do this!
  • jcstevens86
    jcstevens86 Posts: 3,338 Member
    cassirae03 wrote: »
    I got rid of the alcohol in my house and removed myself from social settings where I might be tempted for awhile. After 2 or 3 weeks, my desire to have a drink seemed to dwindle and I had more restraint once I saw and felt the benefits of quitting. It's hard, but worth it.

    Great advice
  • msheatherb23
    msheatherb23 Posts: 4 Member
    Some friends and I are doing a NoDrinkNovember! You could do it with us. I plan on keeping it going after November, mostly because there’s so much sugar in alcohol and I feel more productive when I don’t drink. I’ll hold you accountable if you need it!
  • Scarlettknits
    Scarlettknits Posts: 6 Member
    I am struggling with the same thing- get stressed/have a drink. I do best if I have nothing in the house. If I am going out (which I do a couple times a month) I allow myself a drink or two so I don't feel completely deprived. Tracking each and every ounce of alcohol helps too. It's a good motivator to stop when you're hungry at the end of the day because you've drank your calories.
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    You can do this if you put your mind to it! I haven’t had a drink in one year and four month and I have loved every sober minute of it! Make a list of reasons why it doesn’t align with your goals and who you want to be as a person. For me after reading research that showed that even as little as one beverage a day is shown to increase risk of cancer I quit cold turkey. If I think smoking cigarettes is socially and healthfully unacceptable then why show alcohol be too? Good luck in your journey!
  • StatsGuy99
    StatsGuy99 Posts: 35 Member
    If stress is a factor in your drinking, finding an alternative way to relieve stress can greatly help with reducing your alcohol intake. I used to drink quite a bit to cope with stress (though I was also attempting to perfect the old-fashioned). In my case, punching something for half an hour straight turned out to be a great stress reliever.
  • IronDogJourney
    IronDogJourney Posts: 117 Member
    I really appreciate all of the feedback! Feel free to add me as a friend anyone who likes.
  • IronDogJourney
    IronDogJourney Posts: 117 Member
    I've had 1 heart surgery and am going to have one in less than a year. I guess I should take it seriously.
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,113 Member
    I've stopped buying it so I can't be tempted, and I feel much better, I get around the social element by driving everywhere - nobody questions you if you're the nominated driver.
  • goldentamarin
    goldentamarin Posts: 16 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hi, this has been my struggle too. Alcohol is a slippery slope for me and it always messes up my fitness goals because I tend to eat a lot when inebriated. Horrible combo. I'm 12 days sober and have a mini-goal of going the rest of the year without a drink. I've found this site incredibly helpful. I read the posts there daily. It's worth a browse :)

  • donna_77
    donna_77 Posts: 8 Member
    On the same track as you. It's so hard! I'm a massive binge drinker and at 40, I think its time to grow up. It's messing with the hard work I put in at Crossfit. Will add you as a friend if you like and we can be accountable :)