Disappointed and confused



  • Emma1903
    Emma1903 Posts: 195
    My advice to you is simple log your food and cut your carbs to 50-100g a day, get all your carbs from fruit and veg, carry on with the exercise and add some walking in there too, I bet you will start to see results. Try it just drop the carbs for 4 weeks as a test and see!

    Oh and yes switch to butter, it is much better for you. I would advise you read the primal blueprint, or you can go online and get lots of info for free search marks daily apple. Lots of info on there about why you should lower carbs for fat loss!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Look to switch from prepacakge to whole...

    Instead of a lean cuisine, have some chicken

    They say the trick is to stay on the outside of the supermarket as that is where most of the organic/health food is located. Once you go up and down isles, you get more into the processed foods. If you look at a label and it's a paragraph long, then you know it isn't that good for you. Also, try to have 1-2 servings of veggies and fruit a day. I try to eat a salad wit balasmic vineger for dinner each night. I also have two pieces of fruit during the day. Once early morning and one around lunch to get the best use out of the complex carbs. Also, stay away from white breads, rice, pasta, etc.. as it is refined carbs. Try for whole gain or whole wheat. I will say, this doesn't mean you have to go all organic but just understand what is on the label. I stopped eaching lunch meat when I figured out that 4 oz of it has 40% of my daily sodium.

    Now, i cant' say how the hormones are affecting you since I am a guy but I am sure your doctor can do that.
  • yogavegan
    yogavegan Posts: 116 Member
    3x/35 mins is not enough. if you are serious about losing the weight, add 30 mins weight training to at least 45-60 mins of cardio (more than just walking, get that HR up!), at least 4x/week. avoid processed foods, add in a lot of veggies and some fruit. it will come off.

    however.... hormones play a huge role. i went off of hormone birth control over a year ago and i couldn't lose an oz of weight and i was busting my butt at the gym, however, my diet needed some polishing. i was eating out a lot. the hormones will level out, and if you are nursing, then it will take longer. i would say, talk to your doctor about it, but please don't wish for a thyroid problem, it is a very difficult issue to deal with mentally and physically.

    hope you find the solution...!

  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    Hang in there. :-) Baby weight is awesome isns't it? UGH! 35 minutes of exercise 3 times a week isn't going to cut it if you really want to see some results. 45-60 minutes 4-5 times a week and you should see a big difference...that being said it's mostly food. Get the junk OUT of the house, and log everything. EVERYTHING (within reason...like skip gum. LOL) It's probably not thyroid. It's possible over estimating exercise cals/underestimating food. Measure food, drink lots of water, avoid sodium...in most processed foods...amp up the exercise and slowly but surely it should come off. Grab a measuring tape too. You'd be surprised how the inches can come off faster than the scale. Good luck! You can do it!

    Well said!!! I agree up the exercise... Take that baby for a walk! In fact... you could probably work up to jogging with baby? Pushing the stroler will be added resistance to your work outs. 35 min 3 x's a week is not enough. I don't necessarly understand "binging" because I have never had that problem but the above poster makes a good point about removing any temptation. I do find when there is ice cream in the freezer that it seems to whisper my name... I don't have that problem when it is not in the house.

    My two cents... You are upset with your post baby body and having a hard time shedding the extra weight. I think this is normal. What you can do...?? Get everyone in your life on board with you! Your husband, family, friends, etc... You have to have people in your life that will support your weight loss and hold you accountable.

    You can do it!!! Friend me if you need extra motivation.

    GOOD LUCK GIRL. You got this!
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    No i'm not breastfeeding, I'm bottle feeding. I have a question though, if hydrogenated stuff is bad, should I switch from Margerine to Butter? I always tought butter would be less healthy than margerine.

    I would say no margerine and no butter... Just sayin.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    There is the saying "it takes nine months to get big and nine months to lose it". Your baby is only about 5 months old, give yourself a break. First, ask your doctor about your weight issues, it could be hormonal. Also if you are feeling depressed, it could be post-partumn depression, which can add to weight gain. Again, talk with your doctor about feeling "blue"...don't suffer in silence.

    Now, if everyhting checks out with the doctor, try upping your cardio. Put the baby into the stroller and walk as added exercise, plus the fresh air is good for a little one :). Try and eat balanced meals, but eat every 2-3 hours so you don't feel hungry. Keep a lot of easy to grab snacks and meals in the house...baby carrots, 100 calorie packs of snacks, protein bars, muscle milk, lean cusine dinners, etc....that way if you are having a busy day taking care of the little one you can still eat a calorie controlled diet instead of grabbing the bag of oreos.

    You can also buy a dvd of baby and me exercises, or join a stroller strides type program where you work out with the baby. Plus you get to meet other moms and have a bit of a social life :)

    Take a deep breathe...motherhood is hard enough! :)

    Nicely put.
  • violon
    violon Posts: 74 Member
    No i'm not breastfeeding, I'm bottle feeding. I have a question though, if hydrogenated stuff is bad, should I switch from Margerine to Butter? I always tought butter would be less healthy than margerine.

    Get some Smart Balance. Not hydrogenated, not butter. (made from olive/canola oil)
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    No i'm not breastfeeding, I'm bottle feeding. I have a question though, if hydrogenated stuff is bad, should I switch from Margerine to Butter? I always tought butter would be less healthy than margerine.

    Get some Smart Balance. Not hydrogenated, not butter. (made from olive/canola oil)

    I'm not sure if we have Smart Balance in Canada by I'll see if there's any at the other supermarket this weekend since I'm switching supermarket anyway. I think they have a better selection there. My husband actually thinks that I'm freaking out with couting my cals and such. He says Ok to eat more healthy and whole food but for example he think it'd be too much to start baking my own granola bar instead of commercial ones. I'm currently on maternity leave but once I'm back to work I won't be able to bake and cook as much as I'd like to.

    And I'd like to say thanks to you all for all your support. I'm not feeling isolated any more.
  • Quiltmania
    I've been avoiding MFP lately. I think I haven't logged in for 2-3 weeks. What depresses me is that I can't seem the shed a single pound. My goal was to be able to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes at the end of this summer. (Gave birth in March). Now, I'm only gaining weight. I have to buy an entire wardrobe and it depresses me. Even if I buy good looking clothes, I don't like what I see in the mirror. It's not the clothes. It's me.

    I do aerobics at home 3 times a week for 35 minutes at the time. I'm trying real hard to eat healthy food, because when depressed I tend to binge. I''ve worked hard and haven't lost weight yet.

    I have a doctor appointment on August 17th and I can't wait to ask her why she thinks I'm not able to lose weight. I'm kinda hoping that it's a thyroid issue that keeps me from losing it. That way there would be something I could do to regain control of my weight.

    What more could I do other than exercise and eat well? I'm confused.

    You are being way too hard on yourself. Four months to take off the weight that it took 9 months to gain? For some women, it can take a year or more to take the weight off. Try putting baby in the stroller and take a brisk walk every day. Are you measuring your food portions? Keep at it and the weight will come off.
  • SUSANB37
    SUSANB37 Posts: 61 Member
    Hang in there Cherry! You can do this! I have 3 kids and while they aren't babies anymore, I never lost the weight I gained with each of my pregnancies. In fact, I just kept gaining until I was somewhere around 290. When I started MFP on April 21, 2011, I weighed 282. Since then I have lost 39 pounds. I don't exercise everyday-I typically do 3-4 times a week for around 35-45 minutes of cardio and I'm not doing any weight training to speak of yet (although I'm going to be starting soon). I also log all of my food as accurately as possible but sometimes I do go over or eat stuff that I maybe shouldn't. But the way I see it is this-I am doing so much better than I was 6 months ago. I am focused on getting healthy again. No, I'm not perfect and I know I could do better. But I'm doing something and that counts for a lot. Take care of yourself and that beautiful baby. You can friend me if you would like an ear! :flowerforyou: