Men over 60

Looking to discuss diet, fitness, IF with guys over 60. Success stories welcome.


  • hoopshobbs
    hoopshobbs Posts: 4 Member
    I started in Aug 2017 to get in better shape. I am 5' 8" and was 242 pounds. My blood sugar was over 225 on many days. My goal is to lose this belly that has been with me since I was 18. I also want to get off all type II meds.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    66 here. 5'8.5". At 217, I was pre-diabetic. I started using MFP and have lost 25 lbs. I am within 10 lbs of goal weight at 193 and have ideal A1c as well as cholesterol numbers. It took patience. A calorie deficit and upping my activity. I do weight training 3 days per week and walk between 3 and 5 miles on the days I don't do weight training.

    One step at a time. One day at a time. Be happy to answer any questions you may have.
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    Turned 60 in August 2017.

    At 57 I was obese (5'8" over 230 lbs), had to have surgery for diverticulitis, and was diagnosed with COPD and told that I have had a heart attack at some point because a prtion of the bottom of my heart was enlarged. All my blood work was a mess and was told if i did not start exercising, lose weight, and quit smoking tht i would not be around much longer. Could barely walk a mile at a very slow pace, then had to lay down for a while.

    Now that I'm 60, I can run 5 miles, power walk over 10 miles at a 4.5 mph pace, my heart and lungs are fine, and all my blood work is good now.

    The main reason is cardio... cardio... and more cardio.

    And I don't mean the cardio people do (or think they are doing), while carrying on a conversation, watching tv, or reading a book. I'm talking about the kind of cardio that makes you huff and puff and sweat. The kind of cardio that you would NOT be able to talk or watch tv or read. The kind of cardio that keeps you in zone 4 & 5 for an hour or so.

    My doctors are amazed that my heart actually healed itself, and told me the reason has to be the intense cardio. I also cut my bad cholesterol in half and more than doubled my good cholesterol. I lost over 50 lbs so far, and never lost more than about1 lb per week.

    I still eat junk food here and there, but the majority of my diet is healthy. Lean meat, fish, fruit, grains, lots of vegetables, etc...

    I was not my diet that made me obese and out of shape, it was sitting on my butt for 2 and a half decades with no activity.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,997 Member
    I'm 67 and 5'8". Weigh 159 (today, down from 196 a yr & a half ago). Took me about a 6 months to lose most of the weight. Have also dropped down from over 20% to about 12% BF (based on an ave of DXA & hydro results. Took about another 6 months to achieve that. Been in maintenance for a year since losing most of the weight.

    The keys for me were diet control (logging and meal planning on MFP, daily weighing, elimination of trigger foods (for me, mainly sodas, canned beer, pizzas burgers, fried foods and baked goods), cardio (mainly rowing and StairMaster) and heavy compound lifting.

    Have been able to increase my strength doing the main compound lifts up to the elite
    and advanced level when compared w/men my age and weight (based on the data on the Strength Levels website.

    I also recently got the best cholesterol test results in my life (all indicators at normal to ideal), which I attribute mainly to the weight loss, better eating habits and exercise.

    I haven't been healthier, been stronger or felt better in many years. :)