Weight loss weigh in

Gw: 180

I'm posting again bc I'm not sure if my last post went thru this morning. Feeling frustrated bc last wks weigh in I lost 5 lbs tbis wks I've gained 3 lbs. I started keto 2 wks ago just not seeing the weight come off as some people do. Just don't understand.


  • actualbears
    actualbears Posts: 23 Member
    edited November 2017
    Keto has a lot of troubleshooting steps, and before I get into them, I do want to say that two weeks of no progress is entirely normal. So if after all of these questions, you still feel like you're doing everything right, then you just need to have patience and the weight WILL come off.

    1. Are you tracking your calories? You should be.
    2. Are you close to your time of the month? If so, that may be part of the reason you're not seeing weight loss. Water retention is a period-related thing.
    3. How much weight do you have to lose? If it's less than 40 lbs, it will take you much longer to lose it than someone who has 100+ lbs to lose.
    4. Have you recently started working out regularly? If so, start taking your measurements with a measuring tape every two weeks, instead of weighing yourself weekly. A lb of muscle is smaller than a lb of fat, so you may be gaining muscle and shrinking, without losing any poundage.
    5. Are you drinking enough water?
    6. Are you getting enough sodium?
    7. If you are already tracking calories, are you weighing and measuring everything? You should be.

    Also remember that weight loss is not linear, and comparing yourself to others isn't fair to yourself at all, because everyone loses weight at different speeds. Make sure you're eating fewer calories than you're expending every day, and you will lose weight, it really is that simple.
  • kq1981
    kq1981 Posts: 1,098 Member
    edited November 2017
    Weight loss is not linear is exactly what I say too. A comment I have seen so many times since starting 9 months ago and it's very very true. Try using happy scales to keep a log of your daily weight dips and it approximates your average weight loss. You wouldn't have put on 3kg of fat in a week. water retention, salt intake, TOM, many variables that affect weight. Keto (high fat low carb) did not work for me AT ALL (I'm Italian give me pasta). It was not sustainable long term and when I stopped I put all of what I lost back on. Calorie in calorie out ever time. Good luck
  • jasummers76
    jasummers76 Posts: 225 Member
    Started MFP on August 21 at 284#s today 244.5#s
  • choops09
    choops09 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank u everyone for the support yes I have been watching calorie intake carb etc...it is frustrating I will keep at it and see what happens and do some measurements today. I do feel better and my clothes fit looser.