How is it possible

I lost 10 kg in 3 months
weighed myself on saturday morning after gym at 9.00 am and I was 76 kg
again weighed on sunday evening at 10.00 pm and I am 78 kg
does eating little bit more in two days can effect too much
really horrible situation for me
anyone else have same condition??


  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    Working out can cause you to retain water. You can't weigh yourself at different times of the day with different conditions.
  • 26DEEP91
    26DEEP91 Posts: 67 Member
    how much difference did you notice in your case in same scenario, if had tried same
  • 26DEEP91
    26DEEP91 Posts: 67 Member
    whats my actual weight
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I only weigh myself in the morning, but I've had a several pound difference between water retention caused by weight lifting, or by extra sodium the day before.

    Any weight you take is going to be a mixture of everything that's going on. Pick a time of day under similar circumstances and stick with weighing yourself at that time.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    26DEEP91 wrote: »
    whats my actual weight

    Just use the weight you got, weigh again tomorrow. That kind of fluctuation is common and expected. You didn't gain 2kg of fat.

    Weigh yourself first thing in the morning, after the bathroom. Don't weigh again that day. Just keep going, you're fine.
  • 26DEEP91
    26DEEP91 Posts: 67 Member
    26DEEP91 wrote: »
    whats my actual weight

    Just use the weight you got, weigh again tomorrow. That kind of fluctuation is common and expected. You didn't gain 2kg of fat.

    Weigh yourself first thing in the morning, after the bathroom. Don't weigh again that day. Just keep going, you're fine.

    lets see tomorrow morning at same time after bathroom
    hopefully it shouldn't be more
  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    you weighed on Saturday MORNING and Sunday NIGHT

    Im assuming the food and drink you had during that time didnt weigh zero lbs.

    you will ALWAYS weigh more at night than in the moring because you have the weight of everything you ate and drank in your body too.

    you also wont weigh exactly the same or less EVERY morning

    there is NOTHING concerning about this in the slightest, relax and dont weigh yourself late at night
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    tyrindor wrote: »
    dsboohead wrote: »
    Don't be OCD with that scale! Weighing once a week at the same time, preferably first thing in the morning.
    You will make yourself a nutt case weighing yourself everyday several times a day!
    Put the damn thing in the trunk of your car....stay on program and weigh once a week!

    Weighing yourself every morning can be very motivating for some people. I tend to "beat" my lowest weight every couple days, and then I can mark it down and feel good. It's fine as long as you understand weight loss isn't linear. I've gone 4-5 days without budging (or slightly gaining), then BOOM the next morning i'll drop 3 pounds and it stays off.

    Weighing weekly doesn't paint a good picture for me. It's all about averages, so more data is better. When weighing weekly, you can think "I Stayed the same?!" and be completely demotivated that next week, however if you weigh daily you could find out that you were just bloated/gasy/etc yesterday and you actually lost 2+ pounds over that week.

    All dependant on an individuals outlook. Some folks are way crazy with the scale where it is crippling! Some can keep it in perspective.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    my NORMAL weight fluctuates in a 3-4 pound range. if i add on things like TOM (not applicable to you ill assume), new exercise, a high sodium day, etc, it can fluctuate up to 10 pounds.


    weight loss is not linear.

    if you are obsessed with it, i would suggest only weighing once a month or once every 2 weeks.
  • me0231
    me0231 Posts: 218 Member
    I weigh myself every morning on the same scale, in the same spot and under same conditions (after bathroom, naked) and then use the weekly average as my weight. Your weight is not static, it fluctuates all over the place based on a variety causes like sodium intake, exercise, amount of food or water intake, bowel uhm fullness etc. You'll drive yourself insane if you take every reading at face value. Most of us want fat loss, not weight loss. Extra water retention or whatever has no bearing on your bodyfat and doesn’t matter.

    Now I struggle with it too, and it pisses me off when the scale is up for no reason, but I've learned to just take a step back and not weigh for a bit if I feel like it's affecting me and my mood too much.