any extreme caffeine consumers here ever give up their addiction?



  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited November 2017
    tmoneyag99 wrote: »
    I typically keep a cup of coffee at my desk. So I'm pretty sure I fall into the extreme category.

    Anyone ever successfully quit their habit?


    I still drink 1-3 11 oz mugs of green tea a day. Allegedly, three cups is equivalent to one cup of coffee caffeine-wise.

    But I spent over eight years drinking the coffee stuff by the 10-cup carafe full, all day long. Light, medium, dark roasted, espresso, etc. - all of it. I still have a yuge collection of 32+ oz insulated travel mugs to prove it.

    I traded drinking my caffeine to popping it in pill form (caffeine tablets) about seven years ago and have never looked back. On a good day I only need the one in the morning to help wake up/balance another Rx I take that predictably causes drowsiness. On a bad day, I probably take 4-5 (one every three hours).

    Well, except for a bag of specialty coffee from my home state around the holidays when I can afford it and remember to order it.

    But ultimately my wallet, and my teeth, thank me for the switch. :)

    Can't stand energy drinks. To me, they uniformly taste like what I imagine baboon butt does.
  • brittneyalley
    brittneyalley Posts: 274 Member
    vingogly wrote: »
    By the way, caffeine is used to treat headaches not cause them. That's why it's added to over the counter pain killers. The biggest reason for a caffeine-related headache is withdrawal.

    That’s what I meant by after a couple days of drinking coffee, I get headaches (without the coffee). That’s why I lay off it :smile:
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    HAHAHA no. I do try to switch to tea later in the day if i want a warm beverage but it too often has caffeine
  • Pupslice
    Pupslice Posts: 213 Member
    I cut back after being diagnosed with breast cysts and the docs telling me excessive caffeine consumption was thought to be a contributing factor in causing them (nothing scarier than finding a lump, haha, but what a relief when it's just a cyst!). However, I still have caffeine, I have a Diet Pepsi in the mornings instead of the pot or two of coffee I used to down, and a latte in the afternoon a couple of times a week rather than the two or three per day I was drinking. I've been on lower caffeine for years now, and aside from a week of headaches when I first cut back, I haven't had any negative effects.
  • jennyhart200
    jennyhart200 Posts: 778 Member
    I quit drinking coffee a few years ago under the advisement of my doctor as I was struggling with stomach issues. It was really hard and it never really got easy. I felt like a drug addict craving caffeine. I went back to it after about 2 months when my stomach had healed.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Anyone that tries to pry my caffeine (in other words my coffee) from hands may lose and arm or two. Just sayin.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    ^^^^ That sounds like a challenge! LOL!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,634 Member
    I used to drink it all day but went to half decaff & have full. when I started mfp, I learned how many calories creamer has in it, so I mixed up my coffee for the day & put just 3 creamers in it, then I started HIIT classes & after 3 months I started feeling my heart beating throughout the day. It was very uncomfortable. I had this problem, along with skipping beats10yrs ago & dr said it's from drinking too much caffeine for too long. I had to quit the HIIT classes(too much cardio) & cut way down on coffee, so now I drink it in the morning with some of my unsweetened almond milk in it & herbal tea rest of day. So sad, I hate changes of things I really enjoy, but had to be done