How is it possible



  • MsMaeFlowers
    MsMaeFlowers Posts: 261 Member
    My daily weight can fluctuate 2-4lbs between morning and night. It's nothing to worry about. Pick a time to weigh and stick with it.
  • HellYeahItsKriss
    HellYeahItsKriss Posts: 906 Member
    edited November 2017
    3 days of high sodium and i gained 13.4 pounds of water retention, you'd be surprised how much you can fluctuate lol
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    edited November 2017
    Another factor is the consistency of your scale. I used to have a scale that gave different readings depending on how you stepped on it. I suggest you need to look at your beliefs and thoughts surrounding weight and weight loss, and/or stop weighing yourself so often. Your framing of the fluctuations as a "really horrible situation" is called a cognitive distortion and is related to whatever beliefs and thoughts you have about your weight. Here's a list:

    And here's how you address cognitive distortions:
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited November 2017
    Water weight. seriously. And food from your day....
  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    I have a 6# range. Don’t freak out over your body’s natural weight fluctuations.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited November 2017
    If you're going to weigh frequently, you're going to have to get used to scale fluctuations and learn not to stress about them.

    Things that add fat to your weight/scale reading:

    a sustained calorie surplus

    Things that add water or other weight that are not fat to your weight/scale reading:

    a new or more intense workout
    more food in your system
    extra sodium in your diet
    disturbed sleep patterns
    extra carbohydrates in your diet than a previous day
    some other stuff I'm not thinking of
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    A workout will make you retain water plus you may have eaten foods higher in sodium than usual. It usually comes back off in a few days as long as you stay on track.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    edited November 2017

    Also: get yourself a trending weight app for your phone or start using a weight trend tracking web site.

    Best of luck.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    My weight can fluctuate as much as 7 lbs in one day due to water. One pint of water weighs one pound, 1 liter of water weighs 1 kilo. So if you drink a liter bottle of water and weigh yourself, you will weigh 1 k more.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    26DEEP91 wrote: »
    Ashtoretet wrote: »
    Working out can cause you to retain water. You can't weigh yourself at different times of the day with different conditions.

    ya but weight difference should not be too much
    thats the major concern

    I sometimes weigh myself in the morning and evening out of curiosity. There can be over 2 kgs in difference. If I have eaten and not had bowel motions there will be extra food in my body. It adds weight. If I have had higher salt than normal there will be fluid retention. I will gain weight. If I have just had a big drink I will gain weight. If I work out I will retain water. I will gain weight. However, unless I eat more energy more than I burn I will not gain fat. The weight I do gain will literally be flushed down the toilet and the following morning my numbers will be down.

    For best accuracy and least stress weigh yourself at the same time, on the same scales and in the same conditions. The only weight pay attention to is what the scales say first thing in the morning, after I have been to the toilet and in my underwear only. Even then there will be fluctuations depending on the food and activities of the day before.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    26DEEP91 wrote: »
    Ashtoretet wrote: »
    Working out can cause you to retain water. You can't weigh yourself at different times of the day with different conditions.

    ya but weight difference should not be too much
    thats the major concern

    Seriously i wake up at 123 and sleep at 131 every day. Since your range is from the morning vs the night. Your 4 pounds isnt even a concern let alone a major one. Thats like drinking 2 liters of water....
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    I honestly don't understand why so many people weigh themselves at night outside of morbid curiosity. It's like asking for trouble.

    I know right. I do it because it amuses me i get so incredibly bloated so stupidly easy weighing myself and giggling at it helps as i waddle around p"regnant" :p But anyone who seriously thinks food and water magically loses weight when they chew and swallow it and then panic confuse me
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    I recently gained 12 pounds in 12 days on a road trip and shed it in the subsequent 12 days at home. All but maybe a pound or so was water. At home, we watch sodium. Eating out and fast food on the road meant lots of water retention. When we get take out Chinese, I gain two pounds two days later that I shed 4 days later. Water.
  • FlowerPower8579
    FlowerPower8579 Posts: 25 Member
    I wouldn’t worry about the scales to much!
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    OP, I used to officiate a lot of football games.
    Before working a triple header with the temperature in the upper 90s, I weighed on my way out of the dressing room.
    On coming back into the dressing room about 4 or 4 1/2 hours later, I weighed again.
    The number on the scale was 6 pounds lower than when I went out.
    Almost all was loss of fluids.
    So, yes, your weight can vary a lot in a short time.
  • ttreit
    ttreit Posts: 59 Member
    Look at your trend line over several months. Is it going down? If so you're fine. Fluctuations happen.
  • LiveLoveFitFab
    LiveLoveFitFab Posts: 302 Member
    I ate half a jar of pickles once and retained 10lbs of water weight the next day from the sodium intake of all those pickles. Still worth it ;) Cuz, pickles!