Is drinking a gallon of water a day healthy?



  • ChrisQueen67
    ChrisQueen67 Posts: 22 Member
    I drink a gallon daily and I can easily guzzle it, especially after a workout. I find that it keeps me satisfied throughout the day. I never mind the bathroom breaks; that expected. Personally, I feel as though my body needs that quantity - but that's my body. I still include salt in my diet and get electrolytes from sports drink as necessary.
  • Ketomaniac9
    Ketomaniac9 Posts: 108 Member
    I can barely stomach 8 cups of water a day.. much less 16.. wow how do you people drink 16 cups of water a day?!
  • PowerliftingMom
    PowerliftingMom Posts: 430 Member
    I drink at least a gallon of water daily. On a heavy lifting day, I can easily drink 40 oz. of water in an hour. The place I train at has no air conditioning and even in the winter, it can get hot in there. I ONLY drink water, no tea, no coffee, no milk, juice, etc. It's really only dangerous to drink lots of water if you don't consume a lot of sodium.
  • mlinci
    mlinci Posts: 403 Member
    Just to add a different voice: no, I drink nowhere near that. I probably drink about a litre or so of liquid, mostly water and green tea. On top of that I'd have one or two coffees. Any other fluids come from fruit and other foods. I am not in any way dehydrated.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    COGypsy wrote: »
    I typically drink about a gallon most days--a liter or so at the gym, another liter or so through the day at the office and a couple at night. I couldn't chug it all at once, but it doesn't seem like a particularly excessive amount for me. I rarely even wake up in the night to use the restroom.

    Ditto, as long as you're spreading it out, and you're not restricting dietary salts/electrolytes, you should be ok.
  • xxzenabxx
    xxzenabxx Posts: 935 Member
    Don't drink it all in one go. Spread it out through the day. Also, the more you sweat, the more you drink. It's all about replacing fluids lost in the body. Just like everyone eats different calories according to their height, weight, activity level etc we should drink according to that. The drink 8 glasses of water a day is BS. It's all individual. I drink 3 litres of water a day..sometimes abit more if I'm exercising loads and sweating and sometimes less when I'm not feeling too thirsty. Also if you drink a lot of caffeinated drinks, then you need to drink MORE water.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    So, if you didn’t already know there’s this huge drink a gallon of water a day stuff going around. My friend did it one day and I’m just like there is no way that can be healthy... or is it?

    Generally speaking, any diet or weight loss advice that is "going around" is likely a lot of unnecessary nonsense that is based on woo and pseudoscience.

  • DoNotSpamMe73
    DoNotSpamMe73 Posts: 286 Member
    It is not hard to get enough sodium in your diet. Hell, a lot of people do extended water fasts with no salt and are actually healthier in the long run.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    It is not hard to get enough sodium in your diet. Hell, a lot of people do extended water fasts with no salt and are actually healthier in the long run.

    Define extended.

    Water fasts have very little provable health benefit(read almost none). Although when done with proper preparation they do show positive spiritual/emotional/mental impacts.
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    You should drink when you are thirsty and as you get older, keep track because elder people get dehydrated faster than younger people. You can actually hurt yourself by drinking to much water. Water intoxication is no joke!
    Personally, I work in a REALLY dry office, and I drink about 8 cups in the 8 hours I am there.
  • davidylin
    davidylin Posts: 228 Member
    Current medical guidelines generally recommend less than a gallon of water to include any water in the food you're already eating. If you follow the current scientific advice, you'd have to be a pretty big and active guy to reach a gallon per the current guidelines.

    Overdrinking water can have a few other associated problems: it'll force your body to produce more urine, which can deplete some micronutrients in your body. Generally speaking though, I don't really think a gallon of water a day will hurt most people in the short term. I also doubt most people would keep it up for more than a week.
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    I typically drink a gallon a day, not all at one time but over the course of the 9/10 hour work day. I have a 32 ounce bottle that I fill usually twice before noon and then another 2/3 times by the time I leave work. I also drink 16.9oz on my drive into work. At first drinking 8 glasses of water was hard but over time my body began to crave it and now I drink it without a thought. I don't drink much else besides water other than a green tea in the afternoon and seltzer with my Tito's when I am out. B):p
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i probably drink close to that (i dont log it most of the time).

    yes i live in the bathroom, but i live there anyways so whatever lol

    i couldnt do it all at ONCE but spread out from 2/3 am when i get up to 8pm when i lay down .... yeah. probably close. esp when you add in the coffee (about a half a pot), afternoon tea, and small diet coke for my drive home.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    Thanks; I now have another thing to add to my hell-no-never-going-to-do-that list. I get up in the night enough already. :smiley:
  • flo_houdini
    flo_houdini Posts: 7 Member
    Theoretically a male should drink 3.7 litres / day( 1 gallon) and a female 2.7 litres ( less than 1 gallon) . This is our overall fluid intake per day, including anything you eat or drink containing water in it, like fruits or vegetables.
  • JohnHornbeck6069
    There is no inherent value or universal rule to drinking a certain amount of water per day. It depends on the individual -- their health, their body chemistry, the medications they are on if any, etc. I am a caregiver for my wife's 94 year old father and I recently took him to an appointment with his primary care physician and this very question came up -- how much water should I be drinking. His answer was pretty straight-forward: "Unless a physician tells you that you need a certain amount of water each day for a specific medical reason, you should drink water when you are thirsty. It really is that simple."
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    Everyone's different and it is possible to consume too much of anything. Drink so you're hydrated properly.
  • jaci66
    jaci66 Posts: 139 Member
    I drink a minimum of 64 ounces (half gallon) a day. I drink more as I am thirsty. I seldom get a gallon of just water. But, I also drink other things throughout the day. As long as you are getting what your body needs daily, that's the important thing.
  • starryphoenix
    starryphoenix Posts: 381 Member
    edited November 2017
    It sounds like a lot, but it’s not as hard as it sounds if you pace it. Just make sure you get enough electrolytes. Body balance is important.

    Like for example, if you drink 10 ounces every hour.
    Honestly, for me though, I’m content at stopping at 100oz.

    No matter what you do though at least drink 64oz. 8oz an hour and it’s easy.