Need help with nightly sugar cravings

Hi everyone,

I've lost 30 kgs over the past couple of years, undergoing bariatric surgery to help me.

I've hit a problem where at night I would eat foods like chocolate and sugary cereals but during the day my diet is very healthy. Could anyone give some advice as to why this is and how I can better deal with it? Let me know if you need more information.



  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You eat sweet food because you like it. Sweet foods taste good. The more you eat, the more you crave it.

    If you don't want to eat sweet foods, don't keep it around.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I allow myself to have chocolate or ice cream or _____, everyday. I fit it in my calories, it's planned. Ghiradelli dark chocolate squares and ice cream bars come individually wrapped. I do okay with individually wrapped.

    I can't see myself eliminating these foods for the rest of my life, so moderation is something I need to learn.

    Another snack that gives me more volume (but not sweet) is popcorn. I pop up what I am going to eat......I don't do well with the big pre-popped bags. This allows salty/spicy.....I can change it up. If I pop it with a bit of oil, the toppings stick better.
  • mtart0419
    mtart0419 Posts: 1 Member
    I also have a sweet tooth and know I will never be able to completely eliminate sweets from my diet. I just make sure that I eat them in moderation. For instance, my preferred after meal sweet is ONE miniature York peppermint patty. They are low in fat and only 50 calories. This helps curb that craving for me...I also try to eat it as slowly as possible (let it literally melt in my mouth).
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    I buy moondrop grapes and freeze them. I eat them for a snack every night after dinner. They're really sweet, but they're healthy - and seeing as how they're frozen, it takes longer to eat them.
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    I used to have a sweet bedtime snack every day. Then I was diagnosed with prediabetes. Now I know I need to limit the sweet stuff. Every once in awhile I will have something that fits into my calories (like Halo Top ice cream), but it won't be every night, which I will control by not keeping sweet snacks around. After dinner I brush my teeth, which is my signal that eating has stopped for the day.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    I make sure I've eaten enough in my meals to not need any more food after my dinner. That means plenty of protein, fat, fiber.

    Then - I eat my last meal within three hours of bedtime. If I stay up late I'm going to want to eat again and I'm going to want something sweet, so I go to bed before that happens.
  • vhepp5
    vhepp5 Posts: 55 Member
    Ugh this is me as well!
  • angnewcomb
    angnewcomb Posts: 13 Member
    I also have a hard time, especially around this time of year with my kids huge bowl of Halloween candy laying around. Keep some extra dark chocolate in your fridge to grab a piece when you get that kind of craving. Don't buy the sugar cereal, if it isn't around you won't binge on it at night and if you like icecream try making your own with banana's or other fruits to have on hand. One of my favorites is a snack I keep in my freezer. I coat a few graham crackers with melted dark chocolate, once the chocolate hardens again put a spoonful of whipped topping on top of it and keep on a little tray or plate in your freezer. I only allow myself one when I get the ice cream urge.
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    Brush your teeth. Go to bed.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Try getting more sleep. You may be trying to raise your energy levels by eating more carbs when you feel tired. Plus your willpower is weaker late in the day. Have a small handful of nuts or something which will stick with you, and go to bed.
  • joanl9
    joanl9 Posts: 107 Member
    I keep one package of either Ghirardelli 72% or 86% dark chocolate in the house and usually have a square or two at the end of the day after dinner. The bitterness of the chocolate keeps me from eating more than that, but at the same time indulging my desire for dessert after dinner. Since I'm following a lower-carb eating plan, I don't keep cold cereal or other carb-y treats around.
  • sjd421
    sjd421 Posts: 54 Member
    I have Trader Joe's dark chocolate covered almonds, just a few is all I need.
  • WendyJoy76
    WendyJoy76 Posts: 948 Member
    I keep frozen strawberries
  • GlowskiMcGlitter
    GlowskiMcGlitter Posts: 30 Member
    I dont have a sweet tooth persay, but i get late night cravings especially if my boyfriend wants ice crea ,or sugary cereal. I have an all bran cereal, low in,sugar and high in fiber and protein and its my go to. Its not the same, but fpr some reason i really love the maltyness of bran cereal, (even as a kid i would choose my gmas raisin bran over other cereal) if it fits into my calories for the day, its mine!
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,172 Member
    I eat great during the day, then have those cravings too! I've lately been having Ritter Sport Mini chocolate squares sometimes between dinner and bedtime. Fifty to eighty calories. I convince myself that's all I need, brush my teeth & that's it for the day.
  • Chanda2BFit
    Chanda2BFit Posts: 21 Member
    I drink unsweetened chocolate almond milk with Stevia added. It helps with the cravings and is low in calories and carbs.
  • dsromp
    dsromp Posts: 14 Member
    You may be dehydrated OR you may be lacking calcium and magnesium. Those three deficiencies, individually or together can cause sugar cravings. Hope that helps. Take care. ❤️y535djw35xq2.png