Weight loss partner needed

Hello everybody

It's been a couple years since I tried to lose weight, but life has given me an opportunity again, so here I am. I'm 28, 5'5 and weigh 245lbs. My main goal at the moment is to get out of the 200's for good, but I will mostly be focusing on short term goals, working on 10lbs at a time. I am hoping to find someone to lose weight with to keep each other motivated and hold accountable. If your goals are similar to mine and are interested in a weight loss partner, please let me know.



  • aleala09
    aleala09 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Mia, I’m new to this app and I think having a weight loss buddy will be helpful for me too. I’m 26yrs old and weigh 200lbs trying to get down to 150.
  • Hi I also new to this app but I think having the right people for motivation I'm 213 I want to get out the 200 mark I'm active but active in running around after little ones and working but I want to put excercise in my busy schedule but yea count me in
  • DanaG0915
    DanaG0915 Posts: 4 Member
    I just started yesterday. I am 5'11" and weigh 250. I'm wanting to get to about 170 and in need of a partner to keep me motivated. I'm doing it through keto.
  • ConnieAGinther
    ConnieAGinther Posts: 515 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me
  • ambrule
    ambrule Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there. This is my first post and I found the perfect group for it. I'm starting the keto diet again. Here's some stats for you guys.
    Start day today. 11/6/17
    Age 30
    Height 5'3
    Start weight. 245lbs
    Goal weight. 165lbs

    I was on the right path to my goal about 5 years ago. I managed to get to the 190s, but got pregnant with my 3rd baby. Its now coming up on her 5th birthday and I'm so far from where I want to be.

    Has anyone else had any previous success?
  • ambrule
    ambrule Posts: 2 Member
    Week 1 on Keto. Down 7lbs so far. Before when I have done keto I had success but had some side effects where I had to discontinue. The key to the success for me is to drink enough water every day. This makes or breaks the keto thing for me 100%. How's everyone else doing?
  • RB909090
    RB909090 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Mia, I'm new to the app too having tried just about everything going! I'm 27 and over 250lbs and looking to be 140lbs like I was 10 years ago. Happy to connect x