That good o'l womanly bloat...

HELP! So, Aunt Flo is coming for a visit next Wednesday. This past Sunday I gained 4 lbs... I think I might have been dehydrated, didn't get in my usual water intake (which is at least 3 1L of water). I weighed in on Tuesday (my usual weigh in day) and the weight still didn't move (didn't gain any either though...) So, for grins I decided to weigh in today because I increased my water and was peeing like a pregnant woman yesterday though last night. I'm still stuck at those pesky 4 lbs gained!!!! My exercise has been the same all throughout and I'm at a loss as to what's up...

Normally I bloat like 1-2 days before Aunt Flo comes to visit, but that's a full week away...

Thoughts? Suggestions on what to do to drop these lbs?


  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    I'm with you. I haven't lost weight in about two weeks because I'm so full of water. My ankles and shins are swollen a little bit. It's driving me crazy.

    I just started taking potassium and ginkgo because I heard both were good for getting rid of water. I'm also attempting to lower my sodium intake. I don't know what else to do! Of course, if I exercise or just simply don't drink for awhile, it gets a little better, but it always comes back. Ugh. Let me know what you come up with!
  • aquabunny101
    If you're like me then it will go either whilst Aunty Flo is in town or just afterwards... I've always weight more around that time! Fear not! :-D Kate x
  • beatlemom
    beatlemom Posts: 250 Member
    My doctor told me that in the summer when it's really hot that some women hold on to water more (cyclic edema) because of the heat and hormonal fluctuations. He gave me water pills to take when I get swollen, which is usually once or twice over the summer for a day or 2. I don't take them every day, just those 1 or 2 times over the whole summer. Seems to do the trick for me. Good luck!
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    Definitely increase water and decrease sodium. I've been having the same issue with water weight but this week I've made sure my sodium doesn't go over 1500mg and it seems to be helping a lot! I drink between 3/4 to 1 gallon of water a day.
  • winneau
    winneau Posts: 139 Member
    Dandelion tea!!