The fat angel versus the skinny don’t eat it angelt still can’t get motivated to stop overeating!!!

susie555sweet Posts: 7 Member
edited November 2017 in Getting Started
I have been tracking my food for weeks now. Researching different foods, recipes and tips to lose weight and for some reasons I can’t stop overeating anyways, and eating all the bad tempting food infront of me even though I know I can’t. It’s like a game. I have skinny girl on one shoulder and the fat « eat it » girl on the other telling me to do it. What is this? It’s like a physiological issue messing with my mind because I know how obsessed i am with trying to loss weight and just can’t. It’s like I’m purpose sabotaging myself. What is this??? Any suggestions ???


  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    When there is a tangle like this, you have to unravel it one string at a time. You're already getting into the habit of tracking what you eat, and that is good. What would be a good next step for you? Do you drink plenty of water? If not, you might want to set a goal to increase the amount of water that you drink. Or maybe you want to slowly get rid of what you call bad tempting food. If it isn't there, you can't eat it.

    What pushed me out of me "I want to but I can't" rut is getting a diagnosis of prediabetes. I also have borderline blood pressure. Weight loss will cure both issues (most probably). The last thing I want is to proceed to diabetes 2 and high blood pressure. Suddenly it isn't hard to avoid overeating. I'm sure my focus will start to blur at some point, and I am doing the very best I can to build good habits that will see me through.

    Good luck to you.
  • almsha
    almsha Posts: 10 Member
    Susie, you posted how I've been feeling...thank you for sharing, I couldn't come up with the words. Ladyhusker, thank you for your insight into this issue, your post is very inspiring and 2snakes, type 2 runs rampant in my family and that is a great fear of mine. Now I will sit myself down and journal what I need to do to get really serious about this life changing journey. Thank you all.
  • susie555sweet
    susie555sweet Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the advise everyone !
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    That's exactly what it is, a mental game, an obsession. You create a deep internal conflict:
    bad food=tempting food=easily available food=food you can't eat
    Stop that.

    Don't try a simple thing like losing weight (you don't actually control your weight, but you control your food intake, which in turn, over time, controls your weight). Stop telling yourself "you can't". Of course you can stop overeating.

    Don't look for more weight loss tips or recipes or motivation. You need to relax. Make life easier for yourself. Eat food you like. Stop demonizing foods you like. Eat a varied and balanced diet. Stick to meals. Keep foods that tempt you too much, out of arms' reach. Be patient. Monitor your weight over time.
  • NoxeemaJackson
    NoxeemaJackson Posts: 102 Member
    Willpower is a limited resource, and you are expending ALOT of it right now.
    So, let's pinpoint WHEN and WHY this happens...

    What are the triggers? Get yourself away from the triggers and this gets easier.

    We live in a world FULL of food...calorie dense and delicious food.

    I am an evening snacker, and my snacks could easily get to 1,000 kcal.
    So, now, I get my *kitten* out of the kitchen as soon as dinner is over.
    I take a hot bath or shower instead.
    I go to my room and watch a show (AWAY FROM FOOD!) on the laptop instead.
    I drink hot water with lemon, or tea, or chicken broth, or miso soup instead.

    I used to eat the "free food" at work, and then I changed my mindset "It's free to your wallet, but not your waist, this will cost you and do you want to pay that price?" and I don't.
    And, I just don't go by where the free food is at work.

    Oreos are my kryptonite. My husband and kids love them.
    I told him to hide them.
    He has. I have no idea where they are. My life is better for it, and everyone else still gets oreos.

    ONe more example - I eat fast food a couple times a week. I swapped a Wendy's double for a wendy's chilli. I still get my fast food, but I save about 500 calroies, and it's way more filling (wendy's chilli has lots of fiber and protein). So, again, I changed my habit slightly, but enough.

    So, whatever you're eating, whenever you're eating it...can you get away from it?

  • MrPlate
    MrPlate Posts: 35 Member
    Check out leptin resistancce. I had the same problem and found out some people don't get a 'full' signal in their brain that helps you stop. I also used intermittent fasting to solve this problem; as it eliminates the hungry signals.
    Good luck. If it helps, it worked for me. I was on a yo-yo for a year before I discovered this answer.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,447 Member
    Stop obsessing. Stop thinking of good and bad angels.
    Instead change 1 habit at a time
    You made change 1 you log everything great congrats.
    Now make change 2 plan your treats into your day so not guilty
    Then change 3 up your movement daily
    ECT take a few weeks per change and incorporate it into your lifestyle.
  • clairebear500
    clairebear500 Posts: 1 Member
    I feel exactly the same. I joined this about 3 years ago when I started to put weight on. I've always been slim (but hippy with curves which I liked) when I met my partner I started to gain.

    I've now developed a really poor relationship with food and overeat all the time. My whole day is revolved around when I can next eat. I totally know where you're coming from.

    I got a massive fright when I weighed myself at work to find I'm now 13st (81kg) I was only 10st four years ago. I also need to change the way way I think and feel