Exercise swap meet!

We all know about sit-ups/crunches, squats, and push-ups. But what other things do you do and what area does it work?

Lets give ourselves some ideas of different things to try! Please post your favorite exercises here for others to read and try!

My recent fav is the inner thigh:
Lie on your side and cross your top leg over your lower leg. Prop it up so that the knee is as straight up as you can get it. Lift the lower leg up. It works the inner thigh area.


  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    Overhead Tricep Extension.

    Lie on one side with your feet slanted (or if these are too intense curled up), put your arm against the ground near your head and with the other arm hold it against your shoulder. Then try and do a "push-up" like motion with your arm still on the ground. ^_^
  • Rompa_87
    Rompa_87 Posts: 291 Member
    Muscle Up:

    Go to a park and grab a bar until you are at a dead hang.

    Pull your head above the bar and continue pulling yourself upwards until you can tilt your chest forward above the bar. Now push yourself to the top of a dip so you are now arms extended above the bar. Lower and repeat.

    Works your entire upper body in one move.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    I like doing dead lifts for your hamstrings/glutes. Use a barbell with weight (I use 40 lbs.) or you can use dumb bells, and start standing straight up hands holding bar hip distance apart. Slowly bend forward keeping back flat and a slight bend in your knees, letting weight hang down in front of shoulders. Lean down as far as you can while keeping back flat, this will be different for everyone, as soon as your back starts to round over stop and slowly bring yourself back to start.

    Abs-I like using a big exercise ball. Doing crunches on them or laying on your back with feet holding the ball and legs straight up lower legs just until the ball touches the floor then raise back up this works your lower abs mainly.
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
  • cswinney36
    Bend at the waist with a flat back, abs held in, with weights in your hands place the BACK of your hands on your calves (back of leg) and lift your arms straight up (hold at the top for a second) level with your flat back & slightly higher. Works the triceps and that part of your back with bra fat - firm it up. = 3 sets of 15