Weight Loss Challenge for August! (OPEN)



  • SW: 135.8
    Goal for Aug: 133
    * keep weekends below or at maintenance calories
    * at least 30 min cardio of some kind every day and 30-45 min strength training every other day

    I was actually going to not weigh myself until next month, because I don't particularly have a very clear goal weight, but more like a fat loss or size goal and also because I am trying to focus on sticking to my plan rather than focusing on scale results, but I think this will work well as motivation so I'm in anyway :)
  • Can I just say I forgot how good of a workout the 30 Day Shred is?! Definitely worked up a sweat. Looking forward to toned arms!
  • Your starting weight for August : 136
    Your personal goal for August : to finally be under 130!
    Your personal self-challenge for August : stop have 3 weeks of PERFECT clean eating!(and not binge extremely hard afterwards!)
  • sw: 258 lbs
    gw: (ultimately) 135

    for august i would love to be down to 230-235 but i will be working extra hard to get to 240 by the 22nd (first day back to school).
  • Thanks for doing this. I am new here and was looking for a group to join.

    Starting weight as of 8/3/11 = 195
    Goal Weight by 8/31/11 = 188
    Self Challenge: Workout everday for atleast 20 minutes and to stop eating so many snacks.
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    Thanks for starting this thread :0) I would love to join

    SW: 202
    GW: 194
    Challenge: I started the 30 Day shred yesterday.. so my personal challenge is to do that every day until the end of the month :0)
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    Checking In ---

    Day 3 went well, once again I met my goal of 10 cups of water, I also did 45 minutes of a higher intensity program on my stationary bike today for a burn of about 480 calories :)

    That being said, I did eat more than I wanted to today - stress got the best of me - but I did end up staying under my calories for the day so all in all I guess the day was a success!!

    Good Luck everyone on sticking with your August Goals!!
  • I have been away for a while,but after a weigh in at the doctor today I realized I need to make a change. I'm glad to have people to hold me accountable and offer support. Thanks, Angela

    SW as of 08/01: 213
    Goal for Aug: 203
    Self-Challenge: Drink 6 glasses of water per day, and start working out on a regular basis.
  • LeonaWFU98
    LeonaWFU98 Posts: 27 Member
    Checking in for today - day 3 - check! :)
    Got in all my water and kept up with tracking...
    Goal 2 for August is to start going back to the gym. That starts Monday. Trying to get myself psyched up for that...

    I don't think I'd decided on an official weigh-in day yet, but I think I'm going to go with Friday. Then I have a whole week to get over anything awful that happens over the weekend ;)

    Hope everyone else had a great day!
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    I'm in if that's ok


    30 day shred every day

    I weighed in at 142.5 today and I started again on Monday at 145! And I'm hitting day 4 of the shred later on today. This group is great for motivation and support, thanks everyone!
  • CynthiaS
    CynthiaS Posts: 208 Member
    Thanks for starting a group :)

    SW- 211.5
    GW- 199
    self challenge- workout 5 x a week & 1 zumba class every week
  • I'm in I just started the "program" Weds
    SW 232
    GW Aug 225
    To get into size 12 or 10 & just feel comfortable in my own skin
    ojective: control my emotional eating
    Personal goal fir wk 1: staying w/the program & no binge eating
  • csanchez39
    csanchez39 Posts: 52 Member
    I had a great day yesterday!! I did 60 minutes on the treadmill and stayed below my calories. I didn't eat my burned calories and it has been working for me. I cheated this morning and weighed myself... and I have lost 3lbs since Monday .javascript:add_smiley('bigsmile','post_body')...so a lb a day!!!! My official weigh in day will be Friday.

    Oh almost forgot and I did 6 glasses of water which is good since I am bad at drinking it.

    Hope everyone has a great day!! javascript:add_smiley('happy','post_body')
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    Well how is everyone today? I'm good. Up early this morning, so I got some laundry started so that I can have it out of the way today. It's only 7am here and I've been up since 5:30! I'm not used to getting up until at least 7.

    Since I weigh in every day, I weighed this morning and was especially pleased. Down 1.4 lbs since yesterday, a total of 5.4lbs since Friday. Tomorrow is my "official" weigh in day... meaning, if I end up weighing tomorrow and it shows I've only lost 4 lbs since Friday (meaning the scales were wrong today or something), then I take it as a loss anyway. A loss of 4 lbs (so I count my losses from one Friday to the next). I weigh every day because it keeps me motivated. If I see a loss, it motivates me to keep going. If I see a gain, it motivates me to do better that day than the day before. I have tried weighing once a week before and I just get off track too easily. The numbers every morning keep my eyes on the goal.

    Also, this is my first week, I know the first week or two I will lose more than I normally will, and that's fine! I wouldn't want to lose more than 2-3 lbs per week long-term. But I'll be thrilled about a 5lb loss for the first week or two. Haha

    Hope you're all doing well!
  • kdet07
    kdet07 Posts: 117
    The first three days have been marvelous. I weigh daily, but the past few days I've been bouncing back and forth by three lbs from 247-250-247. I'm just doing to push forward and keep exercising! I've been able to do 2.4 mile walk/run intervals at lunch everyday this week, and I'll continue to do them for the rest of the week. I hope you're all doing well :)
  • LHann360
    LHann360 Posts: 159 Member
    Good morning !! Did Week 1 day 1 of C25K yesterday. Seemed great , now I have a pinched nerve running down my leg. So I'll spend today stretching it out. Way to put a damper on it . This weekend is my 22nd wedding Anniversary and we are planning on going to a new sky high adventure course that opened in a ski resort. ( http://www.holidayvalley.com/HolidayValley/info/skyhigh.aspx) . I'm afraid of heights so I am going to conquer them this weekend climbing over suspended bridges and ladders. It includes a zip line which I am so stoked to try. This will also be accompanied by a street food festival and a free concert to see the B52's . I love summer !! My foods are in range and I am really hoping to see some movement on the scale this week. Even half a pound would be great. All this working out and tracking seems pointless if it doesn't start to move again. Have a Sunshiny day !!
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Day 3 went okay. Finished w3d3 of c25k. Fell short on my water goal though, only 7 cups. I will do it today!!
  • Alissa_Sal
    Alissa_Sal Posts: 141
    Good morning all! It sounds like everyone is still on track this week. :)

    Yesterday was good for me - I did 45 minutes on an elliptical machine, walked about an hour total, and stayed within my calorie range. When I got home from the gym last night, DH was making a yummy homemade stir fry, and he had pulled up one of our tall kitchen stools so that our 3 year old could watch and "help". He (our son) is very interested in cooking right now, which I think is very cute and cool. Maybe he'll be cooking for us someday!
  • So far, so good today. My diary is public, so anyone can see what I've eaten today. I'm heading to the gym momentarily.

    Yesterday was rough. It was my day off from exercise, and I ended up very hungry. I adjusted my macros a little bit, but I'm not going straight to 40/40/20 overnight. As a matter of fact, I don't think I'll every let my fat go to less than 25 because I'll be grumpy all the time if I do. I am tracking my healthy fats though, and trying to start making them the brunt of my fat calories.

    I just broke open a jar of peach butter I canned a few weeks ago, and I ate a tablespoon of it on a Wasa fiber cracker. It was really good.

    I'm not planning on weighing myself until after Aunti Flo comes and goes because I can already tell I'm bloated. So, next weigh in will be in about a week or so.

    I'm considering adding "friends", but I don't want it to turn into FB. I only really want to have friends that will hold me accountable and encourage and let me do the same.
  • armacd
    armacd Posts: 95
    Checking in for today - day 3 - check! :)
    Got in all my water and kept up with tracking...
    Goal 2 for August is to start going back to the gym. That starts Monday. Trying to get myself psyched up for that...

    I don't think I'd decided on an official weigh-in day yet, but I think I'm going to go with Friday. Then I have a whole week to get over anything awful that happens over the weekend ;)

    Hope everyone else had a great day!

    Great idea to have a Friday weigh in! I'm with you. Friday it is :). I'm doing pretty good so far, its been great reading about everyone's progress. Keep it up!