
So ... I just started with myfitnesspal about 2 weeks ago... and seriously started tracking about a week ago.... i am growing increasingly frustrated by my EXTREME participation in the gym and ZERO drop in the scale. I have recently been advised of the need to strength train, so I have added that into my workout. I am doing cardio about 5-6 days a week and now strength training about 3-4. I purchased a HRM today for the first time and realized that I am burning about 900 cals on during my various workouts. I am hoping that I am eating enough to lose weight and I am not sabotaging myself...

I am certainly open to any suggestions that you have, I work out at the end of the day so I come home and eat dinner but am not hungry enough post workout to eat like crazy to 're eat' my lost calories...

If anyone can offer me some ideas to start seeing some #'s drop in the scale!! I definitely have about 40-60lbs to lose!


  • 228lrt
    228lrt Posts: 49 Member
    Just keep going! If you just started 2 weeks ago you are probably building muscle while at the same time losing body fat. Not at all uncommon. With the exercise you are doing it will start coming off. Just monitor the calorie intake so you don't sabatoge yourself. It will happen!!!
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    If you are doing strength training , you need more protein and less carbs. The default setting on MFP is way too high for carbs and too low for protein. You can set them manually. Make sure you are eating enough and drink LOTS of water. Also, change up your workouts so your body doesn't get used to the same thing. Interval strength training works well for burning and toning:-)
  • cshapiro926
    I have been changing my workouts regularly... i dont do ANYTHING the same ... everyday at the gym I have been doing different classes or cardio....

    how do i figure out what my default protein intake should be ... i am definitely ALWAYS below my CARB intake however I noticed my sugars are usually (-) by like 7 or 8.. for instance - today I am normally set to like 1300 calories ... I wore my HRM and burned 996 calories during my workout ... I ate 1554 so i net 558... I drank 10 glasses of water today and have been eating all whole grains etc...

    ive noticed that MFP does allow you the extra calories but doesnt allow for them in the 'daily' allowance .. so i tried to eat a lot of protein and it put me over for sodium and protein.... but if i have to eat another '1000' calories (lets just say) how can i do so without going over my daily allowable amounts?

    I guess my concern also is - i am not taking in enough protein to repair/build my muscle correctly so my body is holding onto its fat/water stores so i am not dropping the LB's like i should be?

    does this make sense?
  • audradanielle
    Track your food religiously! The more detailed you are, the better. It's easier to stay right on target with your calories in case for some reason you can't get in a workout that day. That's what has always always helped me. The more strict I am with counting, the matter how much I exercise! : )
  • jilers
    jilers Posts: 94 Member
    You didn't gain the weight in 2 weeks. You're not going to lose it in two weeks. I know it is frustrating but it takes time. I just joined and I am logging and I am not over but I do not have a reliable scale so I do not know if I lost anything. When my clothes feel bigger I'll know. I can't get hooked on numbers because that is not the whole picture. Knowing that I am doing the right thing and I have support will have to be enough for now.
    Everyone loses weight at a different pace. Just stick with your program and you will lose.
  • destiny1007
    You should look into the Dukan Diet. A few of my friends have tried this and have lost a lot of weight. I recently started it..I'm on Day 3 and already lost 4 lbs!! You can look this up on the web. Good Luck!!
  • cshapiro926
    Destiny- I guess I just don't want to do any fad diet... I certainly know I didn't put the weight on overnight but I feel like in a month I should have lost an LB at least :(
  • destiny1007
    It's true losing the weight will take time, but this diet is more like a change of lifestyle. It's 4 phases...and by the time you're on the fourth will have learned how to eat properly to be able to keep the weight off. The 1st phase is the hardest...but this phase only lasts 6-10 days depending on how much weight you have to lose. Everyone that I know that has tried it has lost a lot of weight. My sister in law lost 65 lbs. and has been able to keep it off. I know not every diet is for everyone, but whatever you choose to do...I wish you the best of luck. It's not easy...but keep your head up! :)

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