Looking for friends/motivation

hoperochelle11 Posts: 37 Member
edited November 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Starting over again and my first goal is to lose 50+ lbs. I’d like to at least get within the healthy weight range for my age and height.

Overall I just want to feel healthier and be fit.

Add me! :smiley:


  • I'm also looking for motivation! Have a 9 month old and it's time to focus on weight loss again! I've also got about 50 pounds to lose. Don't know if it'll happen, but I need to start lol. I'll add you as a friend if that's ok :)
  • elinakreuz
    elinakreuz Posts: 2 Member
    Hey I'm also getting back into the grove of things and trying to focus a lot more on managing my nutrition :)
  • 93pear93
    93pear93 Posts: 48 Member
    Let's do it! :)
  • feel free to add