Buttery Healthy Popcorn

maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
I have one of those Stir-Crazy popcorn makers where you stick your oil and raw popcorn in, plug it in, and then flip it over once it's done. The standard recipe is 1/3 cup popcorn with 1 tablespoon vegetable oil.

I've recently been hearing and reading about the amazing health benefits of cocount oil, so I got some Organic Extra Vigrin Coconut oil from Amazon ($7) and have been giving it to and smearing it on both my dog, Cooper, and myself.

Tonight I made popcorn using 1/3 cup popcorn (175 calories) and 1 teaspoon (39 calories) of coconut oil. OMG!! It's so buttery and oily, I am sitting here with surges of guilt as I forget and then relief as I remember again. 214 calories for a huge bowl of buttery, movie-tasty popcorn. Lots of fiber, too.
