getting started

nicki7584 Posts: 18
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Getting started (again) on Monday. I'm really ready this time though. I'm tired of not living life to the fullest. I want to be able to wear what I want to wear and shop where I want to shop. My wardrobe has pretty much come from a total of 3 stores. I want to feel good again. I've never been a small girl, but I've never been this big. I want to be able to jog with my dog and not just walk at a moderate (at best) pace. Most of all, I don't want to have the health problems that I know are inevitable if I don't change (both my parents are diabetic).

So here I go. I'm starting out at 235 lbs and I'm hoping to make it down to 150. I know that's a lot of weight to lose, but I'm going to set some realistic short term goals. 1-2 lbs a week is healthy, and I'll be satisfied with that. I can't remember the last time I saw a number below 200 on the scale and that's going to be my first major feat


  • Getting started (again) on Monday. I'm really ready this time though. I'm tired of not living life to the fullest. I want to be able to wear what I want to wear and shop where I want to shop. My wardrobe has pretty much come from a total of 3 stores. I want to feel good again. I've never been a small girl, but I've never been this big. I want to be able to jog with my dog and not just walk at a moderate (at best) pace. Most of all, I don't want to have the health problems that I know are inevitable if I don't change (both my parents are diabetic).

    So here I go. I'm starting out at 235 lbs and I'm hoping to make it down to 150. I know that's a lot of weight to lose, but I'm going to set some realistic short term goals. 1-2 lbs a week is healthy, and I'll be satisfied with that. I can't remember the last time I saw a number below 200 on the scale and that's going to be my first major feat
  • I've heard the old "This time I'm really ready..." I USED TO SAY IT AGAIN AND AGAIN(after failed attempts) BUT NOW that I've found this website I am totally addicted/committed! I actually look forward to exercise and healthy food. I'm glad to hear that you're really ready this am I!!! Let's do this!
  • ren25
    ren25 Posts: 58
    Well I am new to this site. Its just time to get back in shape and to change. I grew up being so very active but when i hit my teens i just stopped. I just miss being so active but this is the year things are going to change. Im 25 and its time to change and look forward to the future. I am finding this to be a great site. Its so nice to be able to track my food and my excerise. Its also great reading about other success stories it keeps me motived to keep on going.

  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I am with you........I am the heaviest I have ever been at 242! And that is with an 8 pound loss since I started on Jan 21st! Come to MFP often as often as you can. I spend at least 3 hours in here a day reading, learning and logging. You can do this! Lets hit 150 together!

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 150 is what I'm aiming for too! :smile:
  • thanks for the encouragement! i'm really excited to use the site and actually see long term results this time. congrats on your success so far. keep up the good work.
  • I'm positive we can reach our goals if we put our all into it!!! :happy: Good luck to you too...:smile:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. You will love it here, this is a great site. It is so supportive, motivational and helpful. I love it here. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this.
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