
Holy cow I did zumba for the first time tonight!!! it is amazing!!!! I love it! Just wanted to share lol!!


  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    I know I love it too!! Great exercise and so much fun!
  • GeekGirlOnAQuest
    GeekGirlOnAQuest Posts: 84 Member
    Isn't it great!?!!! I just started a couple of weeks ago and I'm addicted! I was never big on exercise, just did it because I should, but now I look forward to Zumba all the time! And man does it burn calories!
  • blueeyedtraveler
    blueeyedtraveler Posts: 209 Member
    I've been doing Zumba for about 8 months now and LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I used to go 4 times a week, but then my grandfather fell and needed some of my time, so I dropped it down to twice a week. This week, the place I do it at is having their floors resurfaced this week, so we haven't been able to Zumba (which made it a perfect week to start C25K & Yoga lol).

    I'm glad we have another Zumba addict to add to the always growing family.
  • ripped4life1
    I agree! I take the class at my gym and it is so fun! it's more like learning choreography than anything!! (-:
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I love Zumba and go to class twice a week.
  • ambekat
    ambekat Posts: 9
    I have been thinking about trying that. Looks like a blast! Did you go to a class, or do a video?
  • cswinney36
    Yes at first it is great..... well just wait until 3 months from now and they are still doing the same songs & routines....not so fun any more. There aren't so many times that single, single, double can be done before I am bored to death I don't care what homogenized version of a latin song is playing.
  • Andie3683
    I went to a class! it is a BLAST!!!! I can't wait for the next one! I have never sweat so much in my life but it was so much fun!!! I totally recommend it!!!!
  • anthemfamily
    anthemfamily Posts: 24 Member
    YAY!!!! Zumba is so much fun. I've been doing it a year and a half and am actually certified and instructing now. I credit Zumba with my 80# loss. Keep with it, alot of instructors change everything up on a regular basis to keep it fun. They also have events in nightclubs for something new. Love having more people in the Zumba community!
  • Andie3683
    Wow awesome!! Good for you!!! Yes I am going to keep at it for sure! I think I finally found a workout I love!!
  • rosieradiogirl
    Im excited to see that people on here are loving ZUMBA... i decided, that with the fact that Im over weight and out of shape I was gonna try the videos on my own at home and if Iike it look for some places near me that have it. ( i love to dance and need to workout so it seems smart) I ordered my dvd and I should have it in a week :)
  • penmosha
    penmosha Posts: 132 Member
    I started Zumba about 6 weeks ago in a small class in my village. What I like about it is that I get that really hot and sweaty feeling that I used to get with aerobics, but I don't feel stiff the morning after. The hour goes very quickly. Nobody takes themselves too seriously and we take the p**s out of each other when we get it wrong - would never have done that in aerobics!

    I'm seeing a difference in my waist, which has always been a problem area for me - even when at ideal weight, I seemed to have no curves in my waist

    On the down side, the routines are getting a bit repetative. The class will be off for three weeks soon, so I might try another instructor in another town for a change to see if it makes any difference. I have brought the Wii game but am not really enjoying it - there is little instruction. If I was excercising at home on the Wii, I'd go back to an all rounder such as EA Active, which I have found to be highly effective in the past.
  • Ellsqueak
    Zumba is such good fun. I feel a lot of pressure to 'get it right' in other exercise classes but in Zumba you just dance - as well as you can. Although my co-ordination often leaves me a danger to myself and others!

    Glad you enjoyed it.
  • 10093109
    10093109 Posts: 17
    Just done some zumba on the wii great wake up to the morning i feel full of life now ready to get on with the day ahead
    JUst joined mfp last week think its great and have already lost 4lbs a long way to go but will get there
  • mrsn1218
    I love Zumba classes and just bought it for the wii to save time and money! I love it and I don't know when I will get back on my elliptical again because it is just so much fun!!!!! I hear people complaining about the graphics and I guess they could be better, but once you fall in love with the class and realize that you are getting the same moves, same workout, same burn and same sweat, the graphics just don't matter!!!!!!!

    Trying to get to the 60 minute Zumbathon in the next two weeks!!!!!!