
I am trying to stay motivated to make healthy choices so I thought one way to do that would be to celebrate successes, big or small. I stayed under my calorie goal and resisted a big temptation today. What have you succeeded with?


  • jessica91b17
    jessica91b17 Posts: 9 Member
    I went to one of my favorite restaurants today and didn't overeat. I saved half of the meal for lunch. (They give large portions)
  • theabsentmindednurse
    theabsentmindednurse Posts: 405 Member
    edited November 2017
    No late night binge last night!!!
    And so far today-
    I am focused and confident.
    Listening to my body and learning to discern hunger from boredom! :*:(:D
  • tuolon
    tuolon Posts: 107 Member
    Ate under calorie goal and exercised today. Good job Jessica and theabsentmindednurse.
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    Didn’t buy wine tonight
  • wendip84
    wendip84 Posts: 10 Member
    I resisted brownies and cake & icecream at a birthday party today. Also managed to stay under my calorie goal and drank 3 cups of green tea.
  • onematch
    onematch Posts: 241 Member
    Stopped at two beers last night!
  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    edited November 2017
    I resisted the urge to binge on chocolate cake during a birthday celebration at work. It was really hard cuz I love chocolate but I told myself I would have one slice and I'm happy for sticking to just one. It was delicious!
  • theabsentmindednurse
    No late night binge-Again!!!!
    Three nights in a row B):)
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I am trying to stay motivated to make healthy choices so I thought one way to do that would be to celebrate successes, big or small. I stayed under my calorie goal and resisted a big temptation today. What have you succeeded with?

    There's a whole forum here dedicated to success stories. If you need motivation, it's a good place to read.
  • tuolon
    tuolon Posts: 107 Member
    Good job everyone! My success today is I didn't go too much over my calorie limit of 1,200. It's a start. Lately, I have been way over my limit. So I am happy. Yay me! Yay everyone. Especially those fighting the temptation of cake and other goodies. Oh, my goodness. Again, yay to everyone!
  • olive1968
    olive1968 Posts: 148 Member
    My son came home from college so we went out for Mexican food. I ate within my calories. When we got home I still had 3000 steps to get for the day but it was cold and dark outside. So I changed and went to the gym and banged out 6000 steps! Who even am I???
  • theabsentmindednurse
    Day/ No late binges again.
    The weight is coming off and the self control is back!
  • tuolon
    tuolon Posts: 107 Member
    At Thanksgiving dinner, I only had a bite of chocolate cake and pumpkin pie. Yay me!
  • tuolon
    tuolon Posts: 107 Member
    I turned away a brownie today.