Junk food!

Hi everyone

Why is it so hard to kick the junk food and just eat healthy even though I know what I'm doing is packing on the pounds? And it's also hard to stay motivated.


  • big1983
    big1983 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, thank you for your feedback I will work on balance!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,629 Member
    It's true what was said about balance & while I hardly ever eat fast food, when I do, for some reason I get a real appitite. When I eat my home cooked meals I don't. I don't know if it's all the sodium or what
  • Flexecutioner
    Flexecutioner Posts: 7 Member
    A quick google of food science and the engineering behind addictive foods is insightful. Any food with the perfect amount of salt, sugar and fat excites our senses and pleasure seekers are easily addicted.

    I find that gradually introducing healthy swaps makes it easier to consume less calories. Example, I love crunchy/salty foods so I brought myself an air popper and make popcorn minus butter, it hits the spot and fills me up more than crisps. I sub natural greek yoghurt for ice-cream and so on. And then when I feel like it I will eat junk, because like you and many will agree, why completely deprive yourself when it is CICO :)

    Best of luck, you will get there!
  • big1983
    big1983 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you, I will Google that and try new things out.... And definitely home cooked is definitely different most of the time fast food always want seconds!
  • Flexecutioner
    Flexecutioner Posts: 7 Member
    My pleasure.
    High fibre food in my opinion is more satisfying than anything else. Whole fruit instead of juice, wholegrain instead of processed white food and loads of vegetables keep me happy. I lost 30kgs that way before joining here a few days back.
  • big1983
    big1983 Posts: 5 Member
    That is great good for you! I will do some research on them types of food and be more mindful of it
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Because junk food is designed to taste good and be easy to (over)eat, and most people have a really narrow view of what "healthy eating" is, and demonizing foods we like only intensifies our cravings for it, and junk food is (seemingly) cheap, heavily marketed, and easily available all the time, so it tempts us constantly, and habits solidify through time, and when we feel deprived, we want instant relief, and junk food offers temporarily relief, but it also offers regret later, and the more we regret our decisions, the more we feel like failures, and the more we feel like we have failed, the more relief we'll seek.

    Needing to lose weight is very rarely enough motivation for a lifestyle change. Changing into a lifestyle you like better than the old one, is a strong motivation.

    No foods are healthy or unhealthy. All foods can be eaten in moderation. A healthy diet is balanced and varied, and in line with your preferences and schedule, so it's easy to stick to.
  • big1983
    big1983 Posts: 5 Member
    Well said and thank you for your information very helpful