Lost only 1lb in 3 weeks. Officially feeling defeated.

So the BF and I have started going to the gym 4 times a week. We do 30 mins of strength training, followed by 30 minutes of cardio.

I've limited my calories to 1480 a day, and definitely use them all.

In the past 3 weeks, I've only lost about 1.5lbs (I don't know why my tracker says 0?). The BF has lost 6lbs.

I feel completely defeated because last fall (2010) I started a weight loss program by myself (counting calories, taking long walks) and I lost 12lbs in 3 months. Then I "fell off the wagon" and gained it all back (plus some). And now this time around, the weight is coming off slower, and I'm worried there's something wrong.

I've had my thyroid tested 4 different times, and twice it was "normal," while the other 2 times, it was "slightly hypothyroidism" but both my general doctor AND my endocrinologist said based on everything else, they weren't concerned and therefore I didn't need to be on medication.

I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. I haven't lose any inches either. How long should I wait until I consult my doctors again?


  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    It could be a lot of things.

    1. Are you eating back your exercise calories? This could greatly stall weight loss if you aren't
    2. Do you not have much weight to lose? Weight comes off much slower and harder the less there is
    3. Are you underestimating calories eaten? Don't forget beverages, things you just "take a bite of", oils/butters you use to cook, etc
    4. Are you overestimating calories burned? This is a biggie, especially if you're guilty of #3 at the same time! Buy a heartrate monitor

    There's a lot it could be. But if you can't seem to figure it out, and you know you're trying hard, then yes I would suggest consulting a physician. Hope it gets better!
  • Spedden
    Spedden Posts: 207
    Since you've already checked with your doctor, just keep focusing on eating healthy and exercising. The weight may be coming off very slowly, but that's okay, because with your good habits, it will stay off. Try weighing yourself less often - maybe once a month. I know you'll be successful, just be patient with yourself, too!
  • KJ7777
    KJ7777 Posts: 47 Member

    Sorry to hear going throught it :)
    I have been similar over the passed month or so iv not lost much at all.
    I have upped my water intake over the last 2 days and do feel thinnner.
    Weighted myself yesterday and no move on the scales, today (i think my scales are wrong & will get them checked) it says iv lost 10lbs.
    I woud say that if your doing all the right things (drinking enough, eatiing all your cals, excercising) then keep at it.
    Try a tape measurement instead of a scale one to see if your loosing inches.
    Do you eat your excercise cals to? ( i know everyone thinks differently on that topic)

    Keep at it though, you will get there.

    (Feel free to add me if you want)
  • placebomonkey
    placebomonkey Posts: 104 Member
    I'm having the same problem. I took up running 3 months ago and was doing around 50miles each month, and on 1200 "net" calories a day........ I gained a stone and went up a size in clothes ! I know that feeling of disapointment : ( So Ive stopped running and cut my calories down to 800 per day but try to eat every two hours and no more than 300 calories for lunch or diner it goes against everything Ive been advised but it seems to be working so far. I think one of the problems with excercise is it can make you feel hungrier and feel like you need to eat bigger portions when you do eat which is meant to slow down your metabolism. I'm no expert on dieting but honestly believe that one type of diet that works for one person might not always work for another. Anyway hope you see some results soon : )
  • bellasera973
    bellasera973 Posts: 16 Member
    It could be a lot of things.

    1. Are you eating back your exercise calories? This could greatly stall weight loss if you aren't
    2. Do you not have much weight to lose? Weight comes off much slower and harder the less there is
    3. Are you underestimating calories eaten? Don't forget beverages, things you just "take a bite of", oils/butters you use to cook, etc
    4. Are you overestimating calories burned? This is a biggie, especially if you're guilty of #3 at the same time! Buy a heartrate monitor

    There's a lot it could be. But if you can't seem to figure it out, and you know you're trying hard, then yes I would suggest consulting a physician. Hope it gets better!

    1.) Sadly, no :( I don't even include my workout in my exercise log on MFP. I've been reading posts about that on this forum though, and have been thinking about eating at least 50% of my exercise calories back.
    2.) I've got about 60-70 lbs to lose, quite a lot.
    3.) Normally, I didn't count drinks (like cranberry juice, or Gatorade.) but I've started recently. they do add up :)
    4.) I really need to buy a heartrate monitor. I think I actually underestimate how many calories I burn..
  • bellasera973
    bellasera973 Posts: 16 Member
    Since you've already checked with your doctor, just keep focusing on eating healthy and exercising. The weight may be coming off very slowly, but that's okay, because with your good habits, it will stay off. Try weighing yourself less often - maybe once a month. I know you'll be successful, just be patient with yourself, too!

    It's so difficult because my BF weighs himself every day, and doesn't get the least bit discouraged if his weight goes up. So I started obsessively weighing myself 2-3 times a day, and I get so sad by the end of the day and I see I've gained 2 lbs by night time.
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    Since you've already checked with your doctor, just keep focusing on eating healthy and exercising. The weight may be coming off very slowly, but that's okay, because with your good habits, it will stay off. Try weighing yourself less often - maybe once a month. I know you'll be successful, just be patient with yourself, too!

    It's so difficult because my BF weighs himself every day, and doesn't get the least bit discouraged if his weight goes up. So I started obsessively weighing myself 2-3 times a day, and I get so sad by the end of the day and I see I've gained 2 lbs by night time.

    OKay, MISTAKE NUMBER ONE!!! you cannot weigh yourself daily. I know a lot of people do, but seriously this will make you crazy. Which will in turn lead to an emotional rollercoaster. Your weight naturally goes up and down throughout the course of a day. So your weight being higher during the nighttime is definitely normal. I NEVER weigh myself at night because it will only make me sad haha. Like the person suggested, try weighing yourself less often. I couldn't do a month, but even once a week or every 2 weeks and I promise you WILL see a difference. Obsessing over the scale on a daily basis will just add stress (which can add weight) and will take away from your focus on good habits.

    Challenge: do NOT step on the scale for 7 days. I know it will be torture, but trust me :) if you stick to your good habits, the scale will go the way you want it to.
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    And yes, beverages HUGELY add up! If you drink a few sodas/juices/gatorades in a day, that could easily be hundreds or even thousands of calories that you're missing!