Looking for accountability buddies!

Work has been crazy for the last few months and thus I haven’t been to the gym.

Plus I work in a test kitchen AND a brewery, so on a bad day that’s a recipe for weight gain disaster.

I’m looking to lose about 15 lbs and trying to get some other friends on here to help keep me accountability. It’s so tempting for me to lie on my food diaries and not include beer or bad foods, but I’m determined to be honest this time around.

Please feel free to add me!


  • jackienorris7
    jackienorris7 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I’m looking to lose about 15 lbs too! I’ve lost and gained too many times to count and this time I’m determined to lose it for good in a healthy way! It’s so much easier with a buddy for support so that’s why I’m here! I’m an emotional eater..hard day at work, I reward myself with food. Feeling happy, same thing! I’m trying to break this cycle with healthy habits
  • BretM3
    BretM3 Posts: 63 Member
    I'd be open to see what I can do? :)
  • cahubbard6421
    cahubbard6421 Posts: 769 Member
    Sounds like a great job though.
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    I'm also looking for accountability! I'm a bartender in a busy restaurant and its so easy to not count the quick snacks I grab over a long shift-but those add up, so I feel your pain! I'm looking to lose about 50 lbs
  • BretM3
    BretM3 Posts: 63 Member
    Very cool. You should friend me!