hi...anybody doing cambridge diet???

hi there, i started cambridge diet on monday...and loving it.....i need to lose a stone and half pretty quickly....so thought i would try this. will worry bout keeping it off once i get there ;o)

have lost 6lb since monday...which i am ecstatic about, am doing ss+

i have around 40lb to lose in total

would love to hear from anybody else DOING CAMBRRIDGE

tess :o)


  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member
    Is this the meal replacement diet...

    If so, a colleague of mine tried it and ended up seriously ill...

    I'd steer clear!
  • Natasha7t2
    Natasha7t2 Posts: 129
    It's a difficult one because you sound so excited about the Cambridge diet and you're getting results, however, I would also advise you to be a bit careful as I know a few people who have tried it and were also very ill as a result. This was quite a few years ago so maybe it has been tweaked since, so you might be absolutely fine. Just take care!
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    I know someone who is doing this and it's very similar to Lighter Life which i did for about 5 weeks. i lost just over a stone and was scared about putting it on straight away, you need to totally wean yourself off it. When i came off LL i came off without weaning and i did put on nearly half a stone, and you have to exercise like crazy. I would say whilst you are on this diet NOT to do ANY exercise AT ALL as you are not consuming enough calories to burn and you could get heart problems in later life (this is what i was told just before i came off)

    Good Luck if you can stick to it completely. Feel free to ask any questions, i'll be happy to help and offer support.
  • tesslovesgucci
    i have one meal a day and 3shakes...
    .i have some friends who have done cambridge diet, lost all their weight and been fine, also have not put the weight back on, im on day 4, i feel fine....though only doing it for 4 weeks.
  • queenywhoelf
    Hi i did cambridge for a while it was amazing!!! however i gained it all back on plus more (1.5 stone more, had lost 3). My mum did lighter life ( was a size 32 lost down to a size 12 and is now a 34) and was in same boat heartbreaking when u think of the money. Sorry

  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    My Friend did this and pretty much the same story .. lots loads of weight quickly .. came off it and put the weight back on ... Whilst it may seem like a quick way to lose weight it is definetly not a heatlhy lifestyle choice ... I have also heard that people can become ill of it! .. I would suggest a healthy diet and exercise for long term and healthy weight loss :)
  • pdpmcm1980
    pdpmcm1980 Posts: 18 Member
    I had a friend who did the Cambridge Diet, she did have some success with losing weight but becomed so 'bunged up' that she had to seek intervention from the hospital to free her system. Wasn't a pretty event by all accounts!
  • kellogsmscott
    kellogsmscott Posts: 67 Member
    Ok well I have experience of this diet not necessarily successfully but that's just me. I managed a well before I fainted due to a busy lifestyle, not many calories etc etc. So it didn't work for me.

    My mum on the other hand loved it, lost he'd loads of weight ( added veggies to the soups for extra oomph) and although she's by no means fat, some of the weight has crept on slightly since, but she mainly controls it.

    My main issue with the diet is that I panicked about the long term. Ie: onthe ling term will I be able to sustain a lifestyle which requires these restrictions. I know food replaces the soups eventually but I felt hemmed in, but that's just me.

    I decided again (today) after another diet idea left me feeling poorly, to really look at my diet, what I'm eating and teach myself good habits. This means I won't drop my 40lbs in three months like all my other diets promised, but by balancing my calories with fitness, and dare I say, the occasional treat, I hope to get there safely.

    I wish you all the best Hun and I'm hear for support. If you have the spare pennies and the will power to do a restrictive low cal diet then all the power to you. I guess my thinking is weight loss shouldn't cost an arm and a leg. It can be simple advice, trust me, I've learnt the very bitter, hard way. Add me if you want x

    Kel xx
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    I don't mean to sound negative but its not possible to lose 6lbs of fat in 4 days, diets like this just have you losing water which makes you think you are losing weight.

    Personally i recommend healthy eating and exercise, its much slower but more sustainable
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    I don't mean to sound negative but its not possible to lose 6lbs of fat in 4 days, diets like this just have you losing water which makes you think you are losing weight.

    Personally i recommend healthy eating and exercise, its much slower but more sustainable

  • Natasha7t2
    Natasha7t2 Posts: 129
    My view is that unless you have been put on to a supervised diet by a dr you should avoid undertaking a diet that you won't be able to maintain for life.

    Healthy but sensible eating and exercise is the key :smile:
  • littlemissnibbler
    littlemissnibbler Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I'm doing Cambridge diet I'm on day 6 at the moment. I did it 3 years ago and lost 2.5 stone. I was never Ill, or had any side effects and kept the weight off for 2 years. Due to stressful time last year have regained 1.5 stone, my own fault poor eating habits, Since January I have tried everything, WW/CC/SW you name it I've done it, but didn't lose much if anything, I'm not good with diets that allow you "treats" just makes me binge, I'm all or nothing, I can do with out chocolate/crisps/biscuits etc but just a little taste sends me out of control.so I decieded to go back to Cambridge and I'm already 5 lbs down.

    Cambridge contailns all the minerals and vitamins your body needs.
    Yes the 5 lbs I lost isn't all fat, some of it is water, but that is the same on any diet whether it be WW/SW/CC

    If you are doing SS (sole source only the packs) your doctor is informed